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c u r i o u s (Adjective.)

     eager to know or learn something

"Neila eht derutpac evah i, rehtaf!" Arcane's voice boomed in the hive-looking room. The biologist watched as everything went silent, all eyes that were on her moved back into the crowd where a large dark grey humanoid broke the wall of creatures.

Selcouth came to her side, sniffing her over for injury as she was still fallen. When her companion noticed the small bleeding scraps on her palm, he tried licking it clean. When she got home she would have to properly clean it, but it would do for now. She grinned softly, giving a kiss to the top of its head. Elain tried to go closer to her friend, but the creature that was called out by Arcane brought her to her feet by her arm to get a closer look. It was only now that she noticed the species had two pairs of eyes. One narrowed pair below the wide, dark orbs. She didn't notice it on Arcane, because he didn't actually open them like this one did.

His grip burned her skin. His sharp fingers pricking her skin. Something that would definitely lead to a large bruise later on. "Yks eht ni ecalp a morf gnimoc. Emoh ruo gniyduts neeb evah ylla reh dna ehs." The humanoid sneered down at her, allowing her a good look of his hair. It was braided and decorated into an intricate crown atop his head. He must be the leader of these people. The fact that each of the humanoids hung on to his every word also supported this theory.

"Nos, snaem siht tahw dnatsrednu uoy od?" She watched as this king of the creatures questioned Arcane. Was Nos his true name? Maybe, but she kind of preferred Arcane. It was just a prettier word in her opinion. Nos was similar to snot and that was the only way she could think about it now. Not like Arcane would care what she called him in her head anyway. "Esoprup rieht, snosaer rieht tuo dnif tsum ew. Yks eht morf serutaerc. Elpoep ruo no yps ot emoc evah yeht." He tossed her to the floor and back into Selcouth's growing body. The ache of her back was quickly outweighed by the pain of his grip. Elain rubbed a soft hand across the already purpling skin. The ruler then turned to the crowd of creatures. "Seiceps s'neila siht fo nrael lliw ohw?" His voice boomed, echoing to all crowds of every layer of the hive room. The loud noise created a shutter in the round base. Some of the stalagmites cracking on the ceiling in response. Everyone watched him quietly, no one speaking against or of what he said. "Eno on?"

She didn't know that such a large crowd of creatures could be so quiet. Maybe that was just because of her mind only being able to register the society that was on Earth. She could still remember being shoved and pushed aside, while others yelled their thoughts. Why things were wrong. Why things needed to change. The yells of hypocrites.

"Lliw i." Her eyes turned back towards Arcane as he finally broke the silence. Her hair was in strands in front of her face, so she ran her hand through the mess slowly. Arcane was the only one to answer the ruler's questioning tone. It was obvious that Arcane didn't like whatever happened, but no one else was going to answer him. He must've taken the situation into his own hands. "Desoppo eb t'ndluow i dna emit yna ta em nioj nac eno yna hguoht. Esnes ekam ylno dluow ti. Rafa morf meht gniyduts neeb ydaerla evah i." It was more a grumble of words and, even if she did understand what he was saying, she wouldn't have been able to understand what he said. Her human ears were far too weak to pick up on the quiet growls.

The ruler went to Arcane's side and mumbled something only to him. Again, the words were such a low whisper that Elain's human ears weren't able to pick it up, but at least she now knew that the rest of the creatures weren't able to hear it. Their hearing is something else she needed to jot down once she got back. The duo seemed to agree on something and Arcane beckoned her over to the way they came. It was like he was beckoning a young, scared pup. The ruler passed by her as she stood on to her feet again slowly. A deadly glare sent down to her tiny form. Selcouth looked to her cautiously and stood by her side as she made her way towards Arcane again.

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