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Early in the morning on the fourth day of Chinese New Year, Qiao Jing Jing was woken up by Yu Tu's phone call.

"It's snowing outside."

Qiao Jing Jing was annoyed. "Why did you wake me up?"

Even if the voice that said this sentence was pleasant, like it was reciting poetry, it still could not be forgiven!

"Huh?" The tone over there was turned up slightly. "I thought you would already be awake, because I used to arrive at your home at nine o'clock. It is half past eight now. Isn't that how your biological clock runs?"

A geek who is self-disciplined is really scary...

"My biological clock changes according to the situation. We chatted on the phone until two o'clock yesterday!"

"Then I'm really sorry. I'll know for next time." There was a chuckle. It did not sound like he was really apologetic. "You continue to sleep. I'll go downstairs to sweep the snow. What time should I pick you up in the afternoon?"

"Two o'clock."


"Yes!" Just come as a classmate. She did not want to tell her parents that she was currently dating someone; it would be very bothersome.

There was a lengthy sigh over on the other side.

"Why did you sigh?" Classmate Qiao who refused to acknowledge their relationship in front of others did not feel guilty at all.

"I am thinking, when can I go to your house to sweep the snow?"


He wasn't playing fair!

After hanging up the phone, Qiao Jing Jing wanted to continue sleeping, but her mind was affected by Yu Tu's words and she could no longer sleep. She got up, brushed her teeth, and washed her face. She stood at the window and looked at the snow-covered landscape in the courtyard. Imagining Yu Tu working hard without complaint while shoveling snow downstairs, she happily went downstairs to eat breakfast.

Mr. and Mrs. Qiao were very surprised to see her. "You hung out with your classmates until so late yesterday. Why are you up so early?"

Mr. Qiao said critically, "You also came back very late."

Qiao Jing Jing was rather calm. "I haven't seen the classmates for a long time."

After scooping a bowl of porridge for her, Mr. Qiao asked, "You'll be going back to Shanghai today, right? What time are you leaving?"

"Two o'clock." Hearing her parents mention this, Qiao Jing Jing eyes glinted and she said with a serious voice, "Oh, by the way, I'll be driving back to Shanghai myself."

"What?" Mr. and Mrs. Qiao were shocked. "Absolutely not!"

Qiao Jing Jing: "......"

Although this was a tactic to scare them, taking one step back today for two steps forward tomorrow, their reaction was too exaggerated, right?

She had a proper driver's license, okay? When she participated in travel-type variety show, she had driven. At that time, her parking skills were even praised sky high.

"What about your driver? Why doesn't he come to pick you up?" Mrs. Qiao asked.

Qiao Jing Jing randomly made up a reason. "His scheduled flight was canceled and he could not buy a ticket at the last minute."

"Then let your younger (male) cousin take you, or I will drive you. Anyway, you can't drive yourself." Mr. Qiao's stance was very firm.

"No, that is too troublesome. I can drive back by myself," Qiao Jing Jing intentionally argued.

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