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Hey! We did it! Finished another story!

I decided to add a little bit of information to maybe clear up some stuff. In this section you will find:
-Information about Takkoria
-Character names
-Connection to any other stories
-Why I wrote the story the way I did/Sequel info
-If you have anything else you need clearing up, comment and I'll try to add more.

You don't have to read all of this, you can just skip around to what you want to know more about, please enjoy :)

Information About Takkoria

Takkoria is one of nine kingdoms: Theaccuthia, Caeviya, Avaviles, Eavrinuvell, Crorateron, Nobera, Takkoria, Layalyra, and Oukraeris. In this story, however, only Takkoria and Avaviles are that important.

Takkoria isn't the richest or most powerful of the kingdoms, it does however have the largest military force due to it being the biggest and most populated one, which is probably why it isn't the richest, most of its resources are used to feed and care for its large population and military. It's a powerful ally to have in a war, and one of the only ones sided with Theaccuthia.

The war previously mentioned is mainly between Theaccuthia and Avaviles, two of the more wealthy kingdoms. I won't go too deeply into the war (mostly because I don't have it that figured out), but it mostly stems from religion. Although it doesn't play a big role in this book because it didn't fit, both Theaccuthia and Avaviles are part of a religion that believes in two gods, Melle (light and life) and Venne (dark and death), kind of like a yin and yang view. Theaccuthia believes that their religion should be taught and believed in by everyone and all the kingdoms, while Avaviles believes that other cultures should be allowed to practice. I don't have exact details figured out just yet, but that's why more of the kingdoms(even if they aren't very big or wealthy) ally themselves with Avaviles. It's also why Avaviles felt the need to attack when Takkorian soldiers went into Caben, a little "town" unclaimed by any kingdom, they thought they were trying to force them into their religion.

No special thought or effort went into naming the kingdoms, I found a kingdom name generator on the internet and picked ones I liked.

I know I wasn't specific or very accurate on dealings of battle or war, but that's because I don't know much about it, and so I tried to make Nikkol kind of removed from all that too so I wouldn't have to go into it :P

Character names

Since this takes place in Takkoria, pretty much all characters followed their name rules.

All male names end with an -l

All female names end with an -ah

Name rules differ from kingdom to kingdom, like in Nobera all names end with 'ah.

Other than that, it was a bunch of random letters that sounded good in front of them.

I liked Nikkol's name right from the start (pronounced like Nicole) but at first hated Setial's. I told myself that I would use it until I could think up a better one, but accidentally got attached and now can't think of any other name I could replace it with.

Connection to other stories

If you are familiar with my other works, I'm sure you've pieced together the fact that this story is completely separate from them, in fact of a different universe.

I did this because although I'm not quite over my little obsession with royal romance yet, I felt that enough gay princes existed in the other world and needed some tension between kingdoms to write this one, so I created a whole other one.

So yeah, there's no Adren or Rahis in this story :/

And yes, I know I haven't finished 'A Royal Mess' yet and can't guarantee I ever will, I just lost motivation for that story for the moment and will try and continue as soon as I get some more. I actually have a few prewritten chapters that I still need to look through before I post (I think up to 25 or 26), but I will definitely try and force myself to get onto making more.

Why I wrote this story the way I did/Sequel Info

Confession time: instead of focusing on the stories that I already have started on, I wrote this entire one, decided it was terrible and not to publish it. Then, like a week later, I thought "screw it, I've posted worse" and here it is. Now I'm kinda liking it again even though the pacing is way too fast and the writing gets worse and you can evidently tell that throughout the story I get more and more impatient, but on well.

I decided to not post this story until I was all the way done with it so I wouldn't have any more 'A Royal Mess's on my profile, waiting to be finished. You guys should see my list of drafts though, so many stories never to see the light of day due to only having the first or second chapters written (oof).

Funny thing about my motivation, it's hard to keep. The only way for me to keep it is if I jump to all the interesting stuff and leave out all the boring, fluff that really can build and shape a story, so that's my poor excuse to why the pacing's so fast, like it is with any other story I write. I wait for the day when I'll be able to successfully write a slow burn.

I'm not going to write a sequel to this story, I feel everything is wrapped up in the epilogue, where i follow Setial around and we finally get to see inside of the guy's head!

I have been toying around with the idea of doing Ezor'ah's story, which would take place before, during, and after this one and would show all the drama Setial was stirring up in the throne room, but I doubt that I'll ever get close to finishing that lol.

If you have anything else you'd like to know more about for *this* story, please comment and lmk!

There's no guarantee that I'll get back to you though, so if you really want to increase your chances of getting a response, private message me!!

Epilogue is right after this, will be set an hour or so later and will be following around Setial!!

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