No Questions Asked

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Hey, y'all!

As per custom, may I start by thanking y'all for 4.15k reads? Seriously, that is so insane and I love each one of you. Some lovelies manage to write amazing comments on my one-shots and I am just super thankful I have earned such delightful support. 

This one sure is a rollercoaster to write and to read so buckle up.

This is in 3rd person POV. Please, do enjoy and don't forget to give some feedback. :)


Mister Lancer stayed behind at the school to grade some students' exam papers. He shook his head at the failing ones, including Danny Fenton. He took off his reading glasses and threw them on the desk in frustration, turning his rotating seat towards the window for a breath of air.

What more could I do to help the kid when I don't know what is ailing him?

Danny was a smart boy, Mister Lancer had to admit. Before his one-eighty degree turn, he was a straight-A student. Shy and kept to himself, but smart and at times, would express his love for astronomy through his essay writings, professionally written like he was writing about a vivid dream.

Now, he sends in half-baked essays, mostly plagerised off wikipedia (That is if he had ever turned them in at all). His grades took a sharp decline, and Mister Lancer had tried making easier tests, but if Danny had ever showed up to them early or didn't miss the test for a long bathroom break, he wouldn't set a pencil on most questions.

Mister Lancer got out of his chair, shoved his papers in his suitcase and got out of the teacher's staff, before he halted harshly at the sight.

Blood. Red and Green blood mixed together in a trail of little drops at first before it became footprints close to the lockers. The lockers were decorated with imprints of a bloody hand. Until the footprints disappeared behind the door of the nurse's office.

"The Shining!" Mister Lancer's hilarious book title exclamation echoed across the halls, giving it the exact same horror Stephen King would have probably wanted his readers to have.

His shoes clicked against the cold ceramic as he followed the footsteps warily. He found himself in front of the nurse's office. He took a deep breathe before he pushed the door slightly ajar. "Hello?" He said, but the response was just an erratic breathing pattern. He threw the door open lightly. The door stopped without hitting the wall.

A fenton thermos stood on the desk, stained with bloody ectoplasm. He turned to find bloody gauze, disinfectant and other supplies. The footsteps were all over the place but they stopped at the desk. Behind it, near the seat.

"Hurry." A soft voice called from what Mister Lancer heard to be under the desk.

Mister Lancer turned and bent down to peak under the desk. The person hiding under the desk was.. Phantom. Danny Phantom.

Phantom gasped, flinching only for his head to collide with the underside of the desk.

"M-mister Lancer?"

"Phantom?" Mister Lancer called, "Are.. you okay? That's a lot of blood in the hallways and.. here?"

"Oh, god, I am so sorry, I will make sure to clean that up before.. I leave." Danny spoke, hoarseness lacing his voice

"Clean that up?" Mister Lancer inquired, flabbergasted, "Young man, you cannot move like this! You can barely keep your eyes open."

"Come on, that's not the.. worst thing t-that.." Danny trailed off, squeezing his eyes to ignore the pain.

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