A hero shouldn't cry

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{Brother/sister bonding}

Danny sat on the roof of Fenton Works. He looked at the beautiful stars that were shining bright despite the darkness that surrounded them. His parents weren't home and Jazz was reading a psychology book. She looked around her and didn't see a trace of him. She placed the book next to her and headed off to his room.

She found nothing. Maybe he is ghost-fighting, She thought. But then she remembered that she forgot to look somewhere for Danny. A place he really liked. Too bad he usually didn't have time to sit there a lot.

She climbed up a ladder that leads to the roof. She stuck her head to see what her brother was up to. He was only sitting there hugging his knees and stargazing. He didn't seem okay and that made Jazz concerned about her brother even more. He shuddered and wiped his eyes with his fingers. He blinked rapidly to avoid crying. Jazz knew he was trying his best not to cry his heart out. She felt it. He always told her that he was fine but she knew that he was lying from his teeth. He was suffering and she saw it.

She tried to interfere, a lot actually, but to no avail. He wouldn't open up to her and would just smile weakly assuring her he was fine. Jazz looked sadly at her brother. She just couldn't leave him suffer alone. He would go nuts. Stupid hero-complex of his, She thought.

No, she will get him to talk even if she has to stay up all night to get answers. She climbed the rest of the ladder and sat next to him. Danny was unaware of her presence. He jumped into a fighting stance and that startled Jazz. 

"Jeez, Danny. Relax. It's me." Jazz rolled her eyes and smiled at her brother. He gave her a small smile and sat down again.

"Sorry. It's a reflex." Danny said as he smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck. They both looked at the sky for a moment. 

"It's a beautiful night, isn't it?" She started. Danny sighed. "Yeah." was all that came out of his mouth. 

"Is everything okay, little brother? You seem upset." Jazz continued.

"Me? Upset? Pffft. O-Of course not! I am p-perfectly okay!" Danny stuttered.


Lies Danny seemed to believe himself. 

"Danny.. You don't seem okay. Otherwise, You wouldn't be crying." Jazz said. "You seem miserable. Sam, Tucker and I know it. You are going to tell me what's going on and I will not leave until I get answers." Jazz crossed her arms and talked seriously. 

"Looks like I ain't getting out of this one, aren't I?" Danny said with a little smile. 

"You are not getting out of this one until I get answers." Jazz confirmed with a grin. 

"At least promise that you won't rant about psychology and that nonsense." Danny sighed defeatedly. 

"It's not nonsense! It's about a group of studies that show—" She was cut off by an amused glare of Danny's. "Fine, I promise." Jazz rolled her eyes. 

"Ever wondered why I like stargazing?" Danny started. His beautiful little smile faded into a frown. "Because the stars look so.. free. They are not tied or chained with responsibilities and guilt.. Like me.."


"I.. I feel guilty I am dragging Sam and Tucker with me to fights and battles. I try to reason with them and tell them not to help me but they keep insisting. I am doing something that is dangerous and sometimes even fatal. I may come with bruises and cuts but I am preparing myself for the day I don't even come back." Jazz silently gasped. She was about to say something but he continued,

"I know all of you are worried about me as much as I am worried about Sam, Tucker and you getting hurt. If one of them got hurt, I..I wouldn't forgive myself for the rest of eternity." Danny paused to regain control of his emotions and steady the jagged pattern of his breath. "Also, their grades are suffering because of it and I want them to follow their dreams. I knew my dreams of being an astronaut were crushed the same day I stepped inside the portal and became half-ghost. The day I decided to use my powers for good. But they don't have something to tie them down. They have a long bright future ahead of them. I want them to achieve their dreams and well, be happy."

The tears he tried to hide rushed down his cheeks. Jazz looked at him sadly. Wow, it was worse than she thought. He was only 15 and he was suffering more than an average adult was. "A lot has happened and I can't handle it anymore. The dark Dan incident, the secrets and lies, my parents trying to catch me and dissect me 'molecule by molecule', the battles I have repeatedly with Plasmius, Dash bullying me.. Everything is just.. too much." He looked away and sniffed. Jazz wrapped her arms around him. It felt so good to open up to someone who understood every word. He knew they would but he just wanted to look strong. He wanted to look like a man. A man doesn't cry. Jazz knew how Danny thinks of crying. 

"It's okay, Danny.. It's okay to cry." Jazz stroked his hair. "You are the strongest boy I've ever seen." She added knowing that her brother's never cried before. Danny smiled. They stayed in their position for approximately ten minutes, though it felt like hours. Danny finally calmed down a bit. "It felt good, didn't it?" Jazz finally said after the over-whelming silence. 

"Yeah, It did. Thanks, Jazz." Danny softly pulled away and smiled. Actually smiled. Like a real smile of happiness. 

"You know, Danny. You should really take off that mask every once in a while." Jazz stood up before Danny did the same. They hugged each other. They pulled away.

"Thanks, Jazz. Thank you so much. Just don't tell anyone what I told you." Danny said. He walked downstairs. 

"Anything for you, little brother." Jazz said with a smile. 

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