Halloween Special: Part (2)

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Hey guys! I hope you like this chapter. It's for the previous one-shot I made. If for some reason, you decided to read this one first, Don't! You will be pretty confused. Alright, Here GHOST nothing!


A figure jumped out of the portal and left the whole family speechless.

"Vlad.." Jack broke the over-whelming silence between them. His voice was full of anger and hatred. Maddie never saw him like this. When she asked him about what happened between him and Vlad before, He didn't want to talk about it and he changed the subject with fudge. What Maddie could only say is that whatever Vlad said, It hurt Jack's heart so badly.

"Ah, My old friend. Jack, Long time no see." Vlad said in his annoying voice.

"We're not friends anymore, Vlad. Leave me and my family alone." Jack hissed pointing the gun at Vlad. Maddie and Jazz did not expect this coming from Jack. They just had to pinch themselves to make sure it's not a dream.

"After you left me in space, I was thinking a lot and I found out I've been wrong about you. So, I decided to get you a gift, to remove all those hard feelings between us." Vlad said unaffected by Jack's 'mean' comment.

"We don't trust you." Jazz said and tightened the grip of the weapon she had.

"Oh, please. Jasmine, You will love the gift I prepared for you." Vlad said with a sly smile. Almost Immediately, Hundreds of thousands of ghosts burst out of the portal.

"A cool gift, huh? It's gonna be so entertaining to see you fight without that freak you call your son." Vlad said.

"What did you do to my boy?!" Maddie exclaimed and pointed the bazooka at Vlad who laughed.

"Daniel and his stupid friends are in a cage far away in the ghost zone." He laughed his evil laugh. "Have fun! Ta!" He went intangible and fazed though the ceiling.


Danny turned to his friends. Sam had tears in her eyes and Tucker looked miserable. Danny immediately knew what's happening to them.

"Guys? Don't tell me Spectra actually convinced you with those crazy stuff she said." Danny sighed.

"Those are not crazy stuff, Danny. It's what actually happened." Tucker replied.

"Come on, Guys. You didn't hurt me or anything. I tripped and accidentally turned on the portal. How is this your fault?" He knelt down in front of them.

"We convinced you inside! We convinced you to disobey your parents and get inside their lab because we were 'curious to know what was on the other side our world'! We convinced you to step inside even when we knew there was a possibility it worked!" Sam exclaimed. "Now it's our fault we are here-"

"Sam, Enough. I am okay. I am here. I like helping people. It's a part of me now. Without my powers, I am a worthless, defenseless geek who doesn't know what to do with his life. You have to understand this. I will always love you no matter what." Danny smiled and looked at his friends who smiled back. "Do you wanna help me? then get up and think of a way to get out of this." Danny said standing up. They stood up and hugged him.


Maddie, Jack and Jazz tried desperately to fight the ghosts and scare them away, but to no avail. Valerie decided to help the Fentons and she didn't do much. It was 4 humans against hundreds of thousands of ghosts. They caught some ghosts but they weren't enough to take them down. They filled 2 thermoses with ghosts.

"What now, Jack? We've been fighting for three hours now, We can't just stay like this forever. We need them." Maddie said panting after her quick run after Jack.

"Please Danny, Come soon!" Jazz said to no one looking up. She ditched her 'Jack O' nine tails' and took a bazooka that sends ghosts to the ghost zone. It was more useful. Amity park was more like a battle field. People were terrified especially when Jack told them the world's hero isn't there to save them. Maddie and Jazz gave him a 'why did you have to say this' glance.

"Where are the rest?! They should've been here to fight with us! Especially Danny!" Valerie snapped after she jumped on the ground.

"Vlad caught them and they are now in the ghost zone with no way out." Jazz sighed and shot another ghost. A portal opened and the ghost got sucked inside. Download from the 'Masters Blasters' came flying with a jet pack. He looked terrified.. of someone. In fact, He was shaking in fear. He pressed a button on his watch and a blue screen appeared. It was a message from Vlad Plasmius.

"Greetings, Citizens of Amity Park. Here's a deal to stop this huge ghost invasion. Make me the mayor of this town if you want to see your hero and his little friends alive and of course, I won't stop the invasion if you didn't make me one. And to make it more dramatic, You have twelve hours." Vlad said and laughed an evil laugh before the recording stopped. Download flew away. Everyone panicked even more.


After a lot of thinking, They decided to make him the ruler. At least, for the sake of the innocent children who were involved in this catastrophe. Everyone was now in the city hall. The mayor and Vlad Plasmius stood side to side. Plasmius stopped the invasion and all of the ghosts left. The mayor gave the evil ghost a paper. Vlad was about to sign it when an ectoplasmic blast came and shot him down.

"What in the name of-" Vlad was cut off when he saw a certain half-ghost hybrid floating. Everyone looked up and started cheering for him. Maddie, Jack and Jazz were relieved when they saw him safe and sound.

"Looks like the fruit loop didn't learn his lesson just yet, how about I teach him his lesson?" Danny said sarcastically. That made Vlad's blood boil.

"Do you think a 'fruit loop' would have such a brilliant plan?" Vlad floated up.

"No, But I bet it would have a better actually working plan!" Danny said and shot again. (Roasted!) Vlad barely dodged his shot.

After some fighting, Vlad shot Danny down.

"Surrender, Little Badger. You can't save yourself and your beloved town this time." Vlad said before he stood on the ground in front of the teenager but two meters away.

"I can and I will." Dash stood in front of Danny.

"Me too." A young man said and stood next to Dash.

"I will, too!" A few people joined them. Maddie, Jack and Jazz were touched by the emotional scene. They stood with them, too. Valerie floated above Danny. Danny smiled. A mob of people were now around him, forming a circle. Vlad laughed.

"You, fragile humans, can save a kid you call a hero?" Vlad laughed more. Valerie shot him and he fell on the ground. Before he could even get up, Maddie trapped him in the thermos. A faint 'no!' was heard before it faded away.

"I don't know what to say, except Thank you!" Danny smiled.

"You saved us multiple times before, Danny. We are just returning the favor." A well-built man said giving Danny a hand. He excepted it gratefully.


Danny told his parents about the strict rules they put and they promised they will never do it again. The party was delayed because of the invasion and it was on Sunday, Not Friday. They had a blast and danced together. The mayor gave a 'Thank you' Speech to Danny and they all spent a ghost-free night together.


Wdyt? Sorry I took long. I hope you like this story. I had a blast while writing it. I will keep you ghosted! Okay, I am going to stop the puns. No promises! Please R&R!

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