A Symphony for the Twisted

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Long sleeve shirts, apologies for showing skin,
Loud music to drown out the agonizing screams,
Baggy clothes hiding the slowly fading body...

Red stains down the drain,
Freshly ruined clothes
From the habits of your nightmares.

A tortured body to match the torment in your mind,
But still you say you are fine.

The endless nights,
Bags under your eyes,
Scars littering your body,
Silently screaming for help,
But still others are more important than your self.

Your body is starving for nourishment,
Yet every day you hand others your Breakfast,
Lunch and dinner
Because others are more important than yourself.

Slowly fading into the shadows of your madness
Descised by "I'm fine"s
And "I'll try"s

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