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THREE DAYS HAVE PASSED EVER since the confrontation with Ran happened and things didn't go well. There was a thick tension in the air that if you dust it with powder you might believe it can be seen.

Ran wasn't talking to you along with Rindou and you weren't talking to them. It was always your pride that was speaking for you, showing them that you can sleep, eat and act normally without talking or minding them.

Everyone noticed it too but they didn't want to interfere in the fight of siblings. Your mess, your problem to solve.

Ran was always snapping at every single mistake while Rindou was acting as if he didn't have a brain. You were the only one functioning well without causing any problems.

Now, you were in the rooftop sitting at the very edge looking down at the bustling city below. The strong wind blew your blonde tresses leaving it floating and messy accompanied by the flecks of sunshine that nipped the first layer of your skin. The bright light had caused for your eyelids to narrow however the tranquility that surrounded you was like no other.

“Enjoying sun bathing?”

Not bothering to tilt your head, the footsteps that came from behind and the owner of the voice was none other than Izana himself as he stepped up the edge beside you. The male standing up, hands tucked in his pockets with his silver locks wafted in the air.

“You're lucky.... I didn't push you down below to die.” Izana muttered but didn't receive a reply.

“You're bringing chaos to them.” he continued because he knew you were listening.

“I don't like how they get so affected. And I don't like how you appeared as their sister.”

“You think I asked for this?” tilting your head to meet Izana's lavender hues, the male stared back at you.

The innocence of your face and the softness of your voice concealed the darkness of your identity. If one would take a quick look at you they wouldn't know that behind that innocent face and velvety voice was a devil who can be their worst nightmare. But behind everything— only Izana could see what you truly hid behind those breathtaking amethyst irises and icy front was the form of sadness.

Somehow, when Izana listened to your and Ran's argument he couldn't help but see his former self in you. Both of you suffered abandonment and was shaped into the person you are today. Relating to people whom experienced the same fate as them wasn't hard but trying to understand them was. Other people find it hard to understand how those people who suffered mental trauma always had a hard time letting go of things, incident and events that caused them their trauma. Because for them— it would be much easier if they'd just forgive and forget.

However, there are just people who refused to understand their situation because they didn't want to make things worse or tangle their selves in a mess.

And he knew that one reason wasn't enough to break someone's mentality that quickly.

“What are you hiding, Haitani Y/n?” the tanned male couldn't help but ask and it slightly shocked him how he heard you laugh genuinely at his question.

Not your usual sarcastic or cold ones.

“You found out huh. As expected of you, Izana.” mumbling with a light smile on your face, you reverted your gaze back into the horizon.

“What if.... I told you I wasn't from here?” asking him, you knew he wasn't going to believe you. “You might think I'm crazy but I'm not from this world.”

You didn't know why you were telling him your darkest secret that you find it even hard to tell to the brothers. Maybe because you've been sympathizing with him from the start. When you read Izana's back story you couldn't help but understand where he's coming from.

He was abandoned, lied to and suffered the worst childhood. You really liked his character back then...

Because you see yourself in him.

“I actually died once. That's why I'm not afraid of dying anymore because I've experienced death myself. I just woke up one day and I'm in here. A new self and a new life. I didn't wish to be granted a second life but look at me now.”

Sighing, you look up at the sky leaning your palms into the warm pavement putting all your weight in your arms.

“I just.... experienced getting abandoned twice by what the kids call 'parents'. They said parents are supposed to love and provide for their children.... But my parent left me to provide for themselves. One sold me and left me in the middle of the ocean for the large sum of money he wanted to receive. And the other sees me as a burden who knew nothing but to stuff my face and put a hole in her pocket.” chuckling bitterly, the memories you've buried resurfaced once again.

“It hurts....”

Covering your eyes by the back of your palms, tears that you didn't allow to leave for years came pouring out.

Izana silently listened, feeling the sorrow you've been quietly singing and the pain you've been enduring. He was exactly just like you.

That's why you both grew to hate everyone.

“y/n. Would you like to become my empress?”

Scoffing out a laugh as you take off the hand that covered your eyes, slight getting blinded by the light that pierced your irises you saw Izana looking down on you.

“Are you trying to manipulate me?”

“Why would I manipulate you?” Izana scoffed, bending his upper body to match your height his face inches away from yours.

“We are perfect for each other.” caressing your cheeks softly, Izana gave you a close-eyed smile.

“Together we can control Japan and make it ours– and you will be my empress.” cupping your cheeks, the male's lips hovered above yours but it didn't faze you.

“No one will ever hurt you. Again.”

Curving up your lips, you cupped Izana's cheeks whispering above his lips. “Close your eyes, Izana.”

Closing his eyes as per your request, your fingers trailed up to his lips, nose and eyes so gently actually afraid of causing a gash to appear on his face. “You have such pretty face.... what would you do if I decline?”

Smirking without opening his eyes, Izana parted his lips to speak the world you didn't expect.

“Fuck you until you agree.” a chuckle brushed past his lips, fluttering his lashes open to meet with gaze.

Scoffing unbelievably at his statement, you shook your head. “Pervert, as if I'll let you.” letting go of his face, the tanned male took a seat beside you legs hanging on the edge as you two stare at a particular nothing.

“Just kidding. Ran and Rindou will kill— not like they can but they'd still be annoying.”

“I'm going to agree... and I would like you to promise me one thing, Kurokawa Izana.” murmuring softly, you peer at the male beside you.

“What is it?”

“When I die.... Can you keep an eye on my brothers?” smiling softly at the thought of Ran and Rindou, Izana turned his head towards you watching the smile that slowly faltered from your lips.

“I don't know why I told you my secret and I know you don't believe me– but can you promise me that you'll watch them over for me, yeah?”

Izana didn't know where the thought of you dying was coming from but he believed eveything you said and didn't further question you.

“Okay, I promise.”

Giving him a close-eyed smile, you stood up and bended down before cupping his cheeks and tilting his head to meet his gaze. Placing a light feathery kiss on his forehead, you jumped down from the edge waving your hand in the air.

“Keep my secret too.”

Leaving Izana alone in the rooftop as his palms caressed the spot where your soft lips had touched.

“Another world, huh?”

Precious Gemstone: Amethyst ft. Haitani Brothers [√]Where stories live. Discover now