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Today was a really crappie day. When I woke up I knew my day started off bad because I hit my toe, not once, not twice but three times hit the corner of every turn and then I fell down the stairs. I almost broke my neck. I was late for school because my car was acting up; ironic and while going to the bus stop water splashed all over my clothes. So I had to go back to the house and change.

In both of my classes I failed pop quizzes, which will bring my grade down and to end the 3rd period; my friends and I had a huge argument about some stupid shit and at the end they blamed it on me.

Now I'm in 4th period, trying to write these notes but bitches wanted to mess with me today. I'm already two seconds from exploding; I have a huge headache, my temper is on edge and I'm trying to pay attention. I already how this shit is going to end.

Quanta or whatever her fucking name is walked over to my quiet table while popping her gum. I rolled my eyes and kept writing down notes.
"Look at this, fag." she said as her friends laughed.
I tried my best to hold my temper in. I gripped my pencil but it easily broke in half. I bounced my legs up and down and took deep breaths.

"Oh look, he's getting angry." She teased.
"Maybe we should go back to our seats." Zendaya the nice on of the group suggest.
"Z, stop being a pussy." Kenya said.
She rolled her eyes and gave me a sympathetic look, but I shrugged it off and tried not to show my emotions.

"Right. You know what, go back to the table." Quanta dismissed her and Zendaya submitted.
If that was me I would of snatched her by her neck and strangle her until her dark skin ass face turn purple. Actually I wouldn't even let her go, someone would have to pry me off of her.

"Like I was about to say before I was intrupted."
I raise a eyebrow. "Intrupted. Do you mean interrupted?"
She rolled her eyes. "Nobody asked for a correction."
"You needed to be corrected." I snapped.
"Nigga, you better calm your faggot ass down."
I stood up. "Or what? You going to get your boyfriend or should I say side niggas?"

"Are you calling me a hoe?"
"If the shoes fits. Actually I wouldn't say hoe, I would say a girl that doesn't have any morals. A little ass girl that date gay boys for image or for their money-" I shrugged. "Which would make you a gold digger."
She knows everything I'm saying is true because she was speechless. Her mouth open and closed like a fish out of water.

"You have nothing to say because you know it's all true. So yeah, get your boyfriend. I don't give a fuck cause I'll beat his ass." with that I flopped down in my seat. "Now if you would excuse me, I'm trying to pay attention to the lesson."

"You- I- wait till- ugh!" She stomped off to her seat. Her friends looked at the both of us before walking to a giggling Zendaya.

Even though I feel calmer, I still want to punch her fake ass, makeup wearing ass in the face. That little bitch, have the nerve to step up to me like that. She think I'm sweet, I may be gay but I ain't taking bull shit from nobody. Fuck you mean!

For the rest the class I kept to myself. My temper was still on edge and only thing that could calm me down is Devon, but I'm afraid that if I get 5 feet of him I would lose the bet. I hardly survived in class with him kissing my neck and touching up my thigh while the teacher was teaching the lesson.
Truthfully, I'm surprised that I past that long. It's been 2 weeks since the bet and I'm horny as hell, my hormones are rapidly tossing around and I'm becoming cranky.
Gosh, I don't think I can last. I rather just take the L and just do as he says for a week. It's not that long, only 7 days of probably cleaning, ironing, cooking and sex with Devon. That's like my usual schedule.

When that bell rung I grabbed my shit and walked out the class. I walked to my locker and put the combination in. I grabbed my book bag and slammed my locker before Devon wrapped his arms around me and whispered. "Hello beautiful."
I blushed and turned to him. "Hello handsome."
He pecked my lips. His cologne right now is not helping my case.

"William!" I turn to see Travon walking over to us with a fake ass crying Quanta by his side. I rolled my eyes and cursed under my breath. Devon looked at him with anger in his eyes and his jaw clenched.
Travon stopped in front of me with people all around us. "Why the fuck you disrespecting my girl?"
"She the one that came to me talking smack and popping her loud ass gum." I spat.
"That's a lie." Quanta faked sobbed.
"Bitch, you know damn well it's the truth with your lying ass."

Travon stepped up to me but Devon pulled me behind him. "Oh so you got another nigga fighting your battles." Travon said.
"This my battle to nigga. Unlike you I protect mine." Devon said real smoothly.
I guess Travon was hurt by what Devon said, I don't know why though.

"You want to square up homeboy?" Travon stepped closer into Devon space. Devon didn't even step back, he stood his ground and showed no emotion what so ever.
I tugged on Devon shirt. "No more fights, Devon."
He glanced down at me then at Travon. "You ain't worth my damn time anyway."
Devon put his arm on my shoulders and turned to walk off but Travon always wants the last word. "Bitch ass, maybe that's why your mother died because of you're such a bitch nigga."
Devon stopped in his tracks. "Devon he's just all talk. Don't scoop down to his level." I said.

Travon chuckled. "And you're broke ass uncle of yours can't even pay his drug debt."
Devon lost it and stormed to Travon. Devon threw the first punch and kept punching him until two guys pried Devon off of Travon. At the end Travon face was fucked up.
Devon snatched out of the guys grip and stormed out of the hall way with me behind him.

Once we got to his car I touched his face to calm him down. He was red all over and he was taking deep breaths. Devon has really bad temper. Devon is a fire cracker that can go off anytime

"Babe, calm down." I said while caressing his face.
He started the engine and drove off to the direction of his house.

I moaned as Devon sucked on my neck while moving in and out of me at a steady pace. "Faster." I moaned but he denied my request.
I bite my lip and tried to move my hips but he kept my waist still. "Devon." I whined but he didn't respond.

"William stop whining." He ordered. Devon removed his hands from my rest and sat up so the bottom of my thighs was on top of his. Devon grabbed me by my waist and pulled me closer so that he was balls deep inside me. My butt was inches off the bed and should I add that my wrist was tied up to his back board.

"Guess what."
I huffed and rolled my eyes. "What?"
He smirked. "You lost the bet." Devon pulled all the way out and slammed inside me.
He keep doing that continually until I came all over my chest. And soon after he came inside me with no regret.

He slowly pulled out and walked to his bathroom to get a wet wash cloth to clean my chest off. Then Devon untied my wrist. He kissed my lips. "I love you."
I smiled. "I love you too. But you really need to stop fighting."
He sighed. "I know and I'm sorry about today."
"Devon you need to ignore people like that. I know the way he talked about your family is wrong but sometimes you need to shrug it off because you know it's not true. Don't let anyone, not even me get under your skin like that."
He nod. "Okay." he peck my lips again. Before giving my one of his evil smiles. "A week of being my personal slave."

I sighed. "What do I have to do? Clean, cook, wash clothes."
He shook his head. "You'll know once we get to that point, but right now let's just take a nap. I'm tired as fuck after making love."
I chuckled. "That's making love?"
"Hell yeah."
"It's seemed more like fucking."

He raised an eyebrow. "Just know that every time we're intimate with each other it's love making. I love you and you love me. Fucking is no emotions, just hit it and quit it. Got that."
I nod. "Yes sir."
"Call me daddy for now on."
He shook his head and chuckled. "Personal slave remember."
I huffed and rolled my eyes. "Okay, daddy."
He smirked. "That's better. Love you"
I smiled. "Love you to, daddy."

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