Chapter 1

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No one's pov

"Hey guys did any of you see that black head kid with a stick in his mouth?" Asked mariachi. "Yeah I did." Said haiachi. "Well he is kind of very weird!" Said biwaki. "Yeah he is why does he have stick in his mouth?" "I wonder let's ask the others about it?" Said mariachi. "Ok." Said the both daughters. They started to head to main area because everyone was there tonight. "Hey guys!" "Oh hey there mariachi what took you so long you know we have a meeting today!" Said sama in an annoyed tone. "Well we were talking about something and we wanted to also ask you guys something."

They all exchange glances. "Ugh ok but be quick." Said enzukai. "Did you guys see that kid he has black hair and black eyes too." Daku and keiko's just stood ther surprised. (They didn't meet yet) "Wait can you tell us more?" Asked daku.

"Hmm well oh! Oh! He also had a stick thing in his mouth too!" Answered biwaki. "What?!" Said both Keiko and daku at the same time was it there son there was no doubt that was him. They all looked at both of them "What is wrong?" Asked Yuma.

"T-that is o-our s-son" said daku. They just stood there. "Can you bring him here?" Asked Keiko. The truth is they they missed there son and the other also started to get interested mabey they would kill him?

"Hmm we can bring him here but if he tries to escape or do anything stupid he will face the consequences." Said netome. "We get it." Said both of them.

Time skip

Biwaki and futaomote were told to capture him and bring him here. And they did it was hard because he was surprisingly very fast but they finally knocked him out. They bought him to there main area and laid him on the couch. Daku and Keiko quickly went towards the couch and stared at there sons beautiful face that was even more beautiful when asleep. Oh god it has been so long since they have seen there son oh he was still the same.

They then hugged him while the young male was still asleep. He leaned into the touch. "So am what's his name?" "Yasu." Said Keiko. "He actually has a bamboo stick in gis mouth and more importantly.... He looks so... Cutee!!!!!" Shouted yuma. Sama just smacked her head "Quiet down will you you will wake him up!" Said sama.

Yuma was annoyed and was about to protest when she heard a small gron. It was from the human he was waking up! He started to open his eyes and he also felt a grip around him he slowly looked up and saw a beasts/monster holding him along with the others stareing at him. He got scared and fell on the ground and he groned he slowly got up he was holding his head beacuse he juts fell. And oh god the stares he was getting.

Then one of them spoke "Son you are awake!" The one on the couch spoke. 'Son?.... What does he mean?... Wait is that dad?!' he just stood ther for a moment and suddenly he was pulled into a hug by his father he hesitated for some time and then slowly warped his arms around his father. They pulled away and daku said "Don't worry son you are ok now we got you and they won't hurt you so don't worry.

" Yasu looked at them for a moment and smiled at his father and nodded. 'Ugh so I need to stay here? What if they tried to kill me what if they found out? No that shouldn't happen I need to be careful.' "so am let's introduce our selfs?" Said biwaki. "Yeah that seems like a good idea." Said Yuma. And they ine by one introduced them selfs. Yasu juts gave them a closed eye smile. Yuma stepped forward and got close to the human and said

" are so CUTEEEEE!!!! OH MY GOD!!" she was just shouting about how cute yasu was and he just made an uncomfortable look on his face beacuse he couldn't talk and he forgot how to talk he knew some words tho. "You are making him uncomfortable." Said enzukai. "What? Oh I am sorry I didn't mean it you are just so cute!" Yasu just tilted his head and nodded. Senzai then said "hey I wanted to ask something why do you have a stick in your mouth?" He didn't reply. "Are you dumb or something you think he can talk?" Said Rin. "Oh I forgot-" and he revived a smack on the back of the head. "Ouch rude."

"Shut up. Anyways do you guys know why does he wear that?" She looked at both of the parents. "Oh yeah he told us he liked cosplaying." Yasu just face palmed his head. 'oh god why did I tell them this stupid lie it's not like they would believe it' "That's weird but can you get it off yasu we could talk easily."

Asked senzai. Yasu juts nodded a no. 'no that isnt possible they would see my teeth they are so notice able!' yasu thought. "Yasu it's ok we wont do anything just get it off dear." Said Keiko.  He stood ther for a moment and looked at the others they were just staring. 'ok yasu you got it just for a moment not for long' he slowly reached for his stick that was in his mouth and took it off. He stood there. "Can you talk?" Asked senzai. 'oh god no no. I cant talk vro it has been along time since I talked!' He tried to talk and one single word came out "H-hel-llo" he said he was stuttering alot and his voice was very deep and almost dry. "Oh you can talk so what's you age?" Asked senzai. "15" yasu replied. Senzai seemed to notice something and he got closer and held yasu's face with his hand yasu tried to remove it but no use his grip was very strong.

"Yasu can you open your mouth for a moment?" Asked senzai with a smile. He nodded a no. "Open.your.mouth.yasu" said senzai while string dead at him with his eyes locking an eye contact.  (I forgot to mention that daku and Keiko left because of the players so they not here). He looked around to see all of them getting a bit closer now. "" siad senzai in a cokd tone while staring dagger's at the shorter male. 'oh god I will need to open my mouth now ugh!' Yasu slowly opened his mouth to reveal some long fangs and some shorter ones at the down part. (And it was not normal for human to get long teeth like he has so that's why they were very more longer) Senzai and the others just stare at him and senzai's grip got softer now.

"Are those fangs? They are so long!" Asked Yuma Abit surprised. Senzai just let go of him and said "yeah they are long more long to say the least." "It is not really normal" said enzukai. "Well human you don't need that stick thing anymore we know that you have long teeth or fangs you don't need to hide them now." Said enzukai. "N-no n-need i-it!" He said. His voice was soft but he was stuttering alot and his voice kind of seemed dry. "What was that?" Asked enzukai.

"I-i n-need i-it." Said yasu. "No you dont and this is final." "Y-you d-dont g-get it!" He yelled enzukai stared at him and came closer and just ripped tge muzzel that was lieing on is neck and burned it. Yasu just stared at him angrily. ' yasu control your self we don't need to get angry calm down.' he calmed down and was about to leave. It was when enzukai held his hand tightly and yasu yelped in pain he looked behind and saw the talker make holding his hand he was staring at him while the others got closer. Yasu tilted his head in confusion and said "l-let g-go" he stuttered out. Enzukai then sometime later let go of his arm. "Show him his room." He said. And he went with biwaki and Rin they showed his room and told him to wear something before dinner. (Yes they have dinner once awhile to satisfy them selfs they eat human food once in awhile I know it's weird but just go on with it)
They left the room to leave yasu alone. He was so angry how could he do that!
(I am sorry but I will end it here sorry for any spelling mistake and for the weird plot too. I tried and I am not so good at writing plots so please don't mind. Hope you enjoyed
Have a good day/night!)

Word count : 1508

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