The two beasts

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Yasu's pov

At least I have my katan. I guess I will have to make a new stick..... But wait.... Dinner..? I will have to eat food?!?! But I can't eat food I will throw up blood!!! And I don't even need it to survive! Well as a demon I started to hate food and if I ate some I would throw up all night.... Ugh that was the most annoying part... I will try to do something about it..... I would always tell my parents that I ate and they thought that It was weird but let go of it.

I was thinking when I heard a knock on the door. I ooened the door to see micheal jakso- I mean mariachi. "Come down dinner is ready." And he left without another word. Oh god please help me with this. I thought as I started to head down.

No one's pov but a bit of yasu's pov too

Yasu came down and was greeted with new face that he didnt really see. There was guys with a white skin and had creepy black clothes and his face was not gonna lie kinda ugly.... And the other was grey colored and was like a goat? I don't know. There were just two of them there. I stared at them and they stared back surprised.

"What is a human doing here?" Said the white one. Everyone's attention turned to me. "Oh we forgot to introduce you to him he is a human that will be living with us. His name is yasu." Said sama. "Hm I see. Well let's introduce ourselves shall we?" Said the white one again.

Yasu's pov

They started to walk closer and the white one said "I am shinagami and this is krampus. Nice to meet ya little fella." Surprisingly he was nice the only word I could say was. "Ok." "Ok? Nothing else?" Said krampus. "He doesn't talk much we think he forgot how to talk." Said daku. "How did he forget tho?" And daku explained to them about his bamboo stick that he had in his mouth for like 7 months? "Oh." "Ok stop chit chatting you guys can talk later come and eat now." Said senzai.

I was thinking of where to sit when I heard someone "hey! Yasu! Sit here!" Said biwaki. I didn't really hesitate I went and sat down beside her giving a smile and she smiled back. I would say that she is the most friendly one of them all. And we talked a bit I tried to talk bit formed out a bit of words. "We should eat the food will get cold." She said. I shakingly nodded. All of them were eating except me I was just staring at the food. "Aren't you gonna eat?" I looked beside me and saw krampus. "N-no-t h-h-ung-ry."

I couldn't form words but it was clear to them. After the answer everyone just stared. "Why not you didn't really eat anything when you arrived here so please eat your food." Said Yuma. "Yeah you didn't really eat anything." Said father. I stared at the food again and held my spoon and scooped a bit of rice and ate it. I ate 3 or 4 more bites before I got up and ran without another word.

The other pov

"Did he just leave?" Said enzukai. "Yeah it seems so." Said netamo. "One of us should go and check on him" "I think I will go" said biwaki. She got up and left and headed to yasu's room that was opened abit she entered the room and didn't find yasu anywhere.

But then she started to hear some noises from the bathroom she opened a for Abit and what she saw was terrifying. She saw the young male throwing up blood he was throwing up alot and one word came out of her mouth.

"Y-yasu?" Yasu looked behind some blood was dripping from his mouth and he about to say something when he throwed up again In the toilet biwaki vlose the door and started to Pat yasu's back. And after 20 minutes he was done he flushed the toilet and biwaki helped him to go to bed and he slept there peaceful he was exhausted after that so he went to sleep right away.

She entered the dining room. "What took you so long?" "Is he okay biwaki?" Asked enzukai and shinagami. "Not at all he is not okay!" "What do you mean what happened?" "I was going to his room the door was open so I decided to go in he was not there but I heard noises from the bathroom the door was open so I peeked in and.... And." "And what?"

" I saw him throwing up blood!" She said as she started to cry. That was terrifying for her that was alit of blood. "What? He was throwing up blood?" Said shinagami and the others looked shocked. "That's why he didnt want to eat?" Said daku. "We should go and check on him, biwaki you stay her with mihari we will go." She just nodded and went to mihari and higged her. They went to his room and enzukai told them to be quiet. He opened the door to be greeted by the young men sleeping peacefully. They could hear soft snoring.

They just stared at that cuteness. It was when he woke up suddenly and sat up. "Am w-what a-are y-y-you guys d-oing h-here?" He said stuttering. "Well we wanted to know if you are ok biwaki told us that you where throwing up blood." "O-oh y-yeah..." He said. "Are you ok now?" Asked shinagami. He nodded. "Well why did you throw up blood tho?" "I do-n't k-know r-r-real-lly" he said. They looked at each other. That was weird but they shrugged it off.

"oh ok we just wanted to make sure that you were ok." Daku said. "Mhm." He replied. Shinagami went closer and sat on the bed and said "We should so something fun! To get to know each other you seem interesting." Yasu looked suprised but nodded. "Y-ou s-eem inte-resti-ng to-o." He said and gave a soft smile. (Oh god please protect him- sorry 😔 coulcnt control)

Shinagami was surprised the human wasn't scared. But he smiled back. "Ok we will leave then you guys can do anything we think so." Said sama and they all left. The two of them just stared and yasu said "w-hat sho-ul-d w-e d-o?" "Hmm what do want to do?" "Well a-m I nee-ded to m-ake a n-ew sti-ck fo-r my mo-uth bec-ause en-zukai b-ro-ke the f-ir-st o-ne" "hmm seems interesting let's do it!" And they stared to make a muzzle for yasu's mouth and after sometime they were done. "P-pretty" said yasu and wore his newly made muzzle. "Yeah it's cool and looks nice on you~" Yasu blushed from embarrassment at the comment. "Embarrassed are we?~ what a shy one~" "hmph." "Ok ok sorry." Yasu looked at him and nodded. "Now what should we do?" Yasu shrugged. "Hmmm oh I got an Idea!" Yasu tilted his head in confusion "Let play tag!" Yasu's eyes sparkled and he nodded. "Hmm I will be the tagger I will count I'll 3 and you will run." Yasu nodded.

Time skip

The game started and yasu started to run away from shinagami and while he chased yasu they both were laughing. The others were hearing noises so the looked outside the room to see shinagami chasing yasu while both seem to be laughing. And shinagami caught yasu. "Well time for the punishment~" 'wait what he didn't say there will be a punishment!'. Shinagami started to tickle yasu and yasu was laughing alot that gis muzzle fell on his neck and his laughs could be heard.

"You cheater- hahahaha- stop!" Yasu said between laughs as shinagami tickled him. His laughs were so cute that he didn't wanna stop but he needed to. The other just stare at them both. Shinagami stoped to let the young male breath. "You lier! You didn't mention a punishment!" He said while panting. "Sorry not sorry~" yasu catched his breath and said "meanie." And made a pout face. "Ok sorry~!" "Ok I forgive you." "Wait I just noticed you were talking formally." "Oh wait-what?" "Yeah." And they heard a cought they looked at the direction of the noise and saw the others standing there staring. "Since when where you there?" "The start." "Oh am you saw nothing forget that ever happened." And shinagami carryed yasu and ran up stairs.

"They seem to be getting along well." "Yeah not to mention, but the humans laugh was cute~!" Said Yuma. They all went in the room again closing the door. "That was fun to be honest with you." "Yeah!" "Not to mention you laugh was cute~!" "You are embarrassing me!" He said as he was blushing. "Ahaha it's true tho but ok~" "Now what should we do?" "Am let's do a singing battle?" "No I am bad at singing!" "Oh come on give it a try please?" Yasu sighed "ok just this time!"

No one's pov

Yasu and shinagami enter the room where the other were sitting. "Hey guys!" They all looked at both of them. "What is it now?" Said senzai. "We were bored so what about we do a singing contest? And sama, netamo, Yuma and enzukai can be the judges?"

"No!" Said all of them. "Why????~~~ it's gonna be fun~~~ and you guys can chose the song!~" they all thought for a moment. And sighed "ok." Futaomote said. "Yay!" Said shinagami. He picked up yasu and started to spin. "Put me down! I know you happy but put me down bro!" He stoped. "Bro?" "Yeah?" Said yasu. He stood there for a moment and he realized. "O-oh um I am sorry I didn't mean!" He said with a flushed face. " Meh it's ok you can call me that I don't mind." Said shinagami. Yasu smiled. 'wow they got alot close already.' all of them thought.
Hello guys! I hope you enjoyed today's chapter I am sorry for any mistakes and thanks for reading my stories! It makes me happy. And sorry if I didn't spell the names correctly. Have a good day/night! 🌸

Your narrator
- Zenko

Word count : 1768

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