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The Exploration
( Part 2 )

I came back form USA as I graduated from my university just now and know I need to help hyung and dad in their shitty MAFIA business as ordered by my "dear dad".

Suddenly I got a call from Jungkook hyung to bring some file as Namjoon hyung told him that I was near to that place and so I came hear.

I'm just a fucking delivery man for them. I'll show you all what I can do after setting up my own busines.

I knocked the door and I was welcomed by a maid she told me to go and sit in the living room till she brings the files.

I went inside and saw a girl sitting their on the couch beautiful as hell, wearing cropped sleevless top and short pants, every inch of her body was turning me on from her collarbones to her her long legs and curvy waist.

Maybe coming here was not that bad I thought. So I went near her as I couldn't control.

" Who are you ?" She asked checking him out.

" I'm Kim Taehyung, brother of Kim Namjoon "

" Namjoonie oppa " she asked.

" Yup, why do you have a problem ?"

" No n..no...not at all actually I never saw you that's why "

" Well now you know me "

" What's you're age by the way "

" I'm 21 years and you miss " I tucked her hair behind her ears and she shivered by my touch.

" O..Ohhh good t...then " she said fisting her palms as his touch made her feel something euphoric.

" I'm 17 years old and my name is..." He cutted me off by saying " Y/n if I'm not wrong "

" Yes but how do you know me " she asked.

" Just guessed " he said but thought that how could he forget her. His childhood love. Her smile, her stare, her hazel eyes and her innocent face.

Just as I thought she doesn't remember me, I thought and became a little sad even though I knew that she wouldn't be able to recognise me

I started to recall all the memories which I tried so hard to forget. The best memories of my life was made by the one one who was standing straight in front of me.

I wanted to just hug her tight and never let her go but guessing from her expression she doesn't know me.

It was so devastating the moment I saw her confused face.

I remember her as I last saw her when she was 3 and I was 7 years old and I really liked her a lot as we played together when we were.

Recently I saw her during her birthday this year in hyung's post on insta and she looked so beautiful that I stared that photo for so long.

I even tried to find her account but she didn't had one and later I didn't showed intrest as reality hit me as she won't be able to remember me because she was just so young at that time.

I just gave up and tried to forget her again just like what I did when I was young and went to sleep.

When I was 8 years old my father sent me to US to my aunt who was living there for studies as there was no one to look after me because hyung use to help my dad in his business as he became an adult.

I was lonely in that huge mansion with no one to talk to that's why I always use to go to her house and felt alive.

She was so young but she was so good at consoling others.

She was the only reason for my rare smile. She made me laugh so much with her cuteness and also made my day just so great.

Whenever I got scolded by my dad she was the one who hugged me, wiped my tears and comforted me.

But unfortunately I had to leave and couldn't even bid her for the last time.

It was very difficult to live there with no one except the workers and my aunt in that penthouse.

I missed her every night but I couldn't get in contact with her after leaving as dad took my phone away for safety reasons and in that house there was a telephone where I could contact only him, hyung and my bodyguard.

So I had to adapt to that environment because there was no alternative. I really liked her a lot but couldn't understand as I was too young.

As time went by I started to forget her and moved on in my life but one thing got clearance was that I loved her.

Then suddenly her phone buzzed and I snapped out of it.

" Hello daddy " she said being all excited.

" Hi princess can you please tell ajhumma to hand him the file which is kept on my study table "

" Okay I'll do so " she smiled looking down.

" Bye sweetheart "

" Bye daddy, love you "

" Love you too " he said and hanged up on her.

" I wish it was me to whom she said that " he whispered on his own.

" Ajhumma come down fast.
Can you hand him the files kept in Appa's study table. Make it fast please "

" Yes madam I'll make it fast "

She came down after 5 minutes and handed it to her. Till then it was all awkward down there.

Both of them wanted to have a conversation but their shyness refrained them from doing so.

" Here you go T.. Taehyung "

There hands brushed and she felt thousands of butterflies in her stomach. She bit her bottom lips in embarassment and that was turning him on.

" Yeah thanks. I'll go then. Bye " He tried to rush out of there because he knew what he was capable of if he stayed there any longer.

" Hmm bye....Umm Taehyung " she said playing with her fingers.

" Yess " he said looking down at her

" I...want to tell you that you ar...e....I mean. I'm sorry it's nothing you can go "

" Bye then "

Taehyung understood as well what she meant and what she want by her behaviour and eye contact.

He smirked and leaned towards her ear and said, "wait till I meet you the next time"

He then took his leave making y/n a hot red tomato. She blushed and ran inside.


Continuation next part.

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