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The team didn't have to be expert behavior analysts to see how Rossi was handling your situation

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The team didn't have to be expert behavior analysts to see how Rossi was handling your situation. You and him were very close, and had been for a long time. It didn't even shock the team when you were around, you were just another part of the team. No matter how much you denied it, you and Rossi were in love. He vowed above all that he would protect you under any costs, and you were okay with that. But, recently you had an encounter with a bad criminal, someone who almost killed you, just to scare Dave. He left you bleeding out at your apartment, and if it wasn't for Garcia checking in on you, you might not have made it. It scared you, and you unconsciously started distancing yourself from Rossi, even though he was so sad about what happened. The team noticed he was frustrated about the situation, but he wouldn't open up to just anyone.


"See this? This is my "I don't care" face."

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