A New Acquaintance

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Wingdings POV.

     The ocean is so vast. It is like I could look on forever without ever seeing the end of it. No point in just staring into nothingness though. I have work to do. Looking around I see some common corals and fish. Nothing too interesting. I swim down and look at them while holding up my book. These fish seem different than the one's we have inside. How peculiar. They seem more adapted for living in such harsh environments. These corals are hard and rough as well! I didn't even know corals could be hard except for the fake ones you could buy at the store. I keep writing things down before I see something flutter by in the water. Looking up I observe it. Oh! It's a pufferfish! These things are so cute! I reach out to pet the little fish but suddenly it gets big and it is full of spikes! "Ow!" Wingdings growls as he looks at his hand. The citie's pufferfish never had spikes! Why would a creature even need spikes out here? Ow my hand stings. 

     I keep writing despite the stinging in my hand. There is so many interesting differences out here! Everything seems so much more built. I- What? What's this shadow? I slowly look up and my eyes widen at the sight. Hundreds- No! Thousands! Thousands of fish! Their silver scales shine in the light beaming down into the water. They swim around in unicen and all I can do is stare in such awe. What are they doing now? It's like something is breaking through them. My soul sinks into my stomach as my eyes are no longer wide in awe but in fear. It's.... I feel myself becoming faint as this... It's getting closer! I turn and am soon swimming as quickly as I can back to the city's dome, but as I look around I can't find it. No. No no no! I look behind me in a jittered movement and I begin swimming through the water looking for safety. My soul pounds against my chest as the fish flow alongside me. I can't see where I'm going. I don't know where I'm going. There is a small object in the distance. A sunken ship! Woah! I can use that as protection! 

     My tail moves faster as I race to the ship. I only seen these things in drawings! It's so cool. I reach out and begin trying to pry open a window, but it doesn't budge. I begin trying other areas but nothing is working. Please. Please! I look behind me as this beast gets closer and closer. I freeze up in fear and all I can do is let out a cry. Somthing wizzes by me and I'm not being eaten by hundreds of teeth. My one eye opens and I see someone with a bright orange tail with blue fading into it. He swims over to me. "Are you alright?" He asks with his one orange one blue eyes looking into mine. I shakily point over to the beast that was chasing me. It is swimming over again trying to get close. "Oh it's just a shark!" He says dismissing my worries. He just puts his hand out and his palm goes onto the shark's nose. He just directs the shark away and pats its side. He then looks back at me and begins chuckling. I must look stupid. Sitting here with such fear on my face. "You must not be from around here." He chuckles. I shake my head as my entire body is trembling. "Th-That was a big shark." My voice shakes out. "What? That one was small! Anyways! I'm Swap!" He chirps. "Come along! I got food inside!" He takes my arm and leads me along. "WHat do you mean small?! That thing was massive!" I say as I am brought inside. There are so many trinkets, tools, cookwear, just so many things that I cannot name all of them! "Sit sit!" Swap says happily as he pulls over a chair. I can see he has tied rocks around the bottoms of many things to keep them from floating away. I sit down and he places a plate of... is that steamed seaweed? I haven't had this in years! I begin eating and Swap looks to me with a pleased smile. "So!" He says suddenly. "Where are you off to? Why are you here?" He asks. "I'm off to find new species of pants and animals that can help benefit those from my home! Certain minerals as well! Hopefully I can make new medicines or find a plant that helps clean the air in the water!" I go on as Swap listens. "Ah! So you are a researcher! How wonderful! The last researcher I met never came back. I wonder where she went." He hums as he grabs something and brings it over to me. "You knew her?" I ask. "Yes I did! She bought a traveling items from me long ago! Here is one of the best satchels I have!" Swap says as he shows me. "It will hold that book and pen of yours with ease! Need to take any samples home? This will do it in a breeze!" A breeze? I don't know what that is but his words are convincing. I pull it close and observe it. It does seem to be made of really good materials. "It's only costs a few!" Swap chirps. I perk and look around at myself  then up at Swap. "O-Oh. I don't have anything." I say softly as I put the bag back down on the table. Swap tilts his head and gives it back to me. "Just keep it!" He says with a bright smile. I look up at him and shake my head. "I can't just take it! I have nothing to give back!" I say as I look back down at it. "You are giving me company! That's all I need! Also! Why don't you stay the night? It's getting late!" He chirps. "That would be nice. Thank you... Swap." I say as I put my book and pen into my new bag. "You're welcome, friend!" Swap says happily. "Friend?" I look up at him. "Well you didn't tell me your name!" Swap giggles. I think a moment before I gasp. "Oh! I'm Wingdings!" 

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