Shark Bite

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     I have a strange tingling sensation inside my chest. It's strange. I feel warm and comforted. As my eyes open I begin to see a light shining through the waters and the cracks of some rocks. Am I in a cave of some sort? Ow! A beam of light just shot into my eye! The light is shining off that object! Or that... person. Who is... that? Mm? Hello? Swap? Is that you? A face comes right up to mine in one bold move. A face that holds crimson-red eyes and sharp fangs like a horrid shark.

Wingding's POV.

     "Gah!" I startle awake and I sit up, staring at the stranger. It seems I have startled him as well. I take a few deep breaths to calm myself down. 

     "You okay?" The voice of the stranger asks. It is rough and mean-sounding as if full of sand and gravel. 

     It takes me a moment but, finally, I am able to get my words out. "Yes. I'm alright. Uhm. Why am I here, exactly?" I ask as I tilt my head slightly to the left. I do wonder what I am doing here. Not only that, but I wonder why my hand feels strange. Looking to it, I see it is wrapped in a bandage of some sort. I don't believe I've ever seen such material, it's soft and a bit torn. 

     "I found you floating around in open sea unconscious, and with a swollen hand." The stranger grunts while crossing his arms. 

     I continue to study my bandaged hand but then my vision begins to shift. The light reflects off of this man's smooth tail that sways side to side. My eyes widen at this horrifying discovery. I back against the wall staring in shock. "You're a shark!" I exclaim in fear. I watch the stranger look down at himself and then back up to me. 

     "Uh. Yeah. And?" He seems annoyed that I mentioned it in such a way. 

     "You're not going to eat me, are you?" I ask, feeling the adrenaline rush through me, ready to flee, swim as fast as I possibly can-! 

     "Ohhhh yeah! I'm gunna toss ya over a hot spring and let ya roast!... No! I'm not gunna eat ya, you idiot!" The stranger snaps at me. 

     I flinch and look down in well-deserved shame and embarrassment. "Oh... I'm sorry." I whisper ashamed of myself for making that assumption. Especially after he willingly brought me to his home to let me rest and recover. 

     "It's alright kid. I get it. Not many people are too fond of sharks. They are apex predators for a reason" The shark man gloats. 

     "Right... Anyways. I thank you for helping me, but I can't stay too long. I have research I need to conduct!" I exclaim as I begin to make my way upright. 

     "With a hand like that? Kid, you've been poisoned by something. I don't know by what but you need to rest. Here. Take this." The shark man hands over a small bowl of dense liquid. It doesn't even want to mix with the water around it. 

     "What is this for?" I ask as I stare at it with dismay. 

     "It's medicine. Now take it before ya get even sicker. You probably got that nasty sting from doing your little "research"." The shark man gruffs. 

     I can feel my face scrunch up, but he is right. Besides, the sooner I am better the sooner I can keep conducting my research. I lift the bowl to my lips and drink it down. The vile-tasting medicine makes me cringe and gag. I cough and stick out my tongue while my eyes squint. This causes the shark man to begin laughing at me and my misery. 

     "Come on, kid! It can't be that bad!" he laughs. 

     "It is that bad! And stop calling me kid! I am a fully grown adult who can think and speak for himself!" I snap out in frustration. This only makes him laugh more. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2023 ⏰

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