Chapter Twenty-four.

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I was happy for my dear friend, Nkwanzi. The boy she liked reciprocated her feelings and she was completely over-the-moon with their courtship. I was shocked when she told me they kissed already because I didn't peg Callum as the forward type. But she said she liked it so I had no qualms about that.

Besides, if she wanted to try something more than chaste kisses, she could always come to me for tips. Of course all the tips I'd give her wouldn't be from experience but from the number of erotic novels I read book cover to book cover. Which still counts.

I, on the other hand, was busy with my birthday dinner preparations. I wanted to invite Isabelle and Levi - the mayor's children, but once I got to their house on Saturday, I was informed that they were out of Town for the weekend. It was Monday and I'd just returned from the Mayor's house after meeting Isabelle and Levi. They were happy to come to my dinner.

I was on my way back to the police station. Inspector Raphael had tried to take me off the drug case but he wasn't going to get rid of me that easily. After long arguments and my incessant nagging, he forgave me for my 'rogue' behaviour. He didn't directly compliment me, but I knew he was impressed with my dedication. I couldn't wait to find out how far they'd gone with the case so I increased my pace.

Up ahead, I saw the last person I wanted to see walking the same street and heading towards me. She was in a long pale green dress with short puffy sleeves and a square neckline.

I mentally cursed my luck when she smirked at me.

"Well, if it isn't Chubs!" Poppy taunted, blocking my path.

My blood always boiled at the mere sight of her, and whatever came out of her mouth made me want to pluck her tongue out.

"Move, skinny bones," I hissed. "I'm not in the mood to deal with you right now."

"Why so grumpy? Did you skip lunch?" Poppy asked. "Although I seriously doubt it, since you're always stuffing your face like a fat pig."

Lord, give me the perseverance to hold my temper.

I balled my hands into fists. "And you should probably eat more. You look like a walking corpse."

I didn't want to drag this on any longer so I stepped around her to go my way.

"At least I'm able to walk a short distance without huffing and puffing."

Fuck perseverance.

I rotated to glare at her. "What the hell is your problem, girl?" I snapped. "Just because you're the beauty pageant queen, it doesn't give you a right to taunt others who don't have your looks or figure. It's fucking insensitive and rude."

Poppy scoffed, rolling her eyes at me. "Oh, don't talk to me about insensitive and rude when you do the exact same thing to me, calling me skinny bones and toothpick!"

"I only insult you because you insult me first!" I barked, anger taking over my body. "Besides, it's not like any of it offends you since you consider yourself the standard of beauty!" I put the last three words in finger quotes.

"Well it does! It does offend me!" Poppy retorted, glowering at me with the same rage. "I get so sick and tired of hearing those comments. 'Oh honey, you're so thin, you should have a little more meat on your bones.' 'That skinny body won't do. You should eat some more so your husband will have more to hold.' Ugh!"

She groaned. "I want to eat too, and I want to choose what I eat. I get tired of salad and celery, and for once, I just want to get off that stupid diet. But beauty comes first, right? The pageant queen has to keep the 'standard' because it's what the Town wants and what the Town likes."

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