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Yep. You heard it right! The COSMIC series is about to get some big changes. (Not really). And please note, cause I cannot stress this enough, these changes pertain to the fem copy and the fem copy ONLY.

**Summary at the bottom**


●This particular pronoun copy ONLY is moving away from Will Byers as the love interest.
     ○I know, you might be thinking "but what about that A/N saying you were never gonna change it?". The one I wrote in book 3, E Pluribus Unum part 3 is the one I'm speaking of and it has been updated for a while. I suggest you go look at it cause I'm not sure I can sum it up as well as I did there.

Relatively speaking, previous books will not change. My current plan is to carry the show on out from s4 in a new direction while still putting a respectful spin on Will's sexuality in the previous 3 books. Again, without changing canon sexuality.
     ○No, i will not "tweak" his sexuality in any way. He is gay, and shown to be canonically uncomfortable by female affection on top of his feelings for Mike. This will carry over into COSMIC. Please just trust me. I promise I have every intention to get this right!


●Out of respect for Will's canon sexuality.

● As a lesbian, I wish I had fics that explored the concept of compulsory heterosexuality when I was younger and reading every TMR Newt x Reader I could get my hands on. (Yes, I was a Newt girl back in the day lol). Nobody has to relate to it, some people have even said it made things more confusing, but in my personal experience i just wish I had had been made aware of the concept. That's all. I can't stress enough I'm not trying to push that on you. And why I'm hesitant to try and explain it correctly on here. And no, it likely will not be referenced by name at all in the series.

●Just as much as it is to give you the readers a chance freedom to explore yours.
      ○Whether you see yourself in Y/n Henderson, or Will Byers. No one is saying you have to go out and experiment, it's just a story for entertainment and escape, but

●COSMIC has evolved far beyond what I ever thought it would be in the best way possible. And because of that, there are times where I wonder/find myself wanting to allow Y/n to be with other characters. You might have a few in mind, and they're probably right on the money.


●I, unfortunately, will not be answerthing that today. I will eventually, but given VOL 2 is about to premiere, we dont know who could bite it, what could happen, where the story will go exactly, what will be set up for s5, etc, I am hesitant to make it official.

●I've disclosed who I hope to elect the new LI to a very small hand full of people and likely won't be telling anyone else until I make the decision and next announcement. But I do have someone in mind I hope to make the new LI, but even that won't likely happen until s5 even if it does pan out cause I want a grace period for Y/n and Will. They're not just gonna go through this change together, but they're doing so on top of all these traumatic events (piling on top of existing trauma).

●It wouldn't even be the end of the world if there wasn't an LI in the end! Because romantic relationships, as beautiful and important as they are in human nature (this does vary from person to person, granted), they aren't what make us human. Friendships, the connection we have to our family, and the world around us are equally as beautiful and important and I'm stating right now I'm not totally closed off to the idea of carrying the rest of this out with no LI!


Well, I gotta watch vol 2 tonight and if who I have picked out a) lives and b) ends up in the right place (emotionally and plot wise, but mostly emotionally) then I can actually make the decision official. Whether or not I announce it before or after I plan s4 remains to be seen


●Yes, I definitely tried to hold on in one way or the other to this idea of a Will x fem reader even as recently as just before the vol 1 premiere which isn't something I'm exactly proud of or glad I did. But I am a firm believer in making mistakes and being able to recognize them and learn from them! That's what I'm trying to do here. That, and, again I still kinda find myself battling my internalized homophobia/self hatred (emphasis on self). But! Will's sexuality (and Mike's for that matter) have been written in and been built up since season 2 of COSMIC. It is not a new theme in COSMIC. At. All.


●My wattpad bio. If you look at the fem reader under my list of stories it will direct you to the link in my description will lead you to:
     ○An answered ask on tumblr that dives into my mistake when choosing the LI and how it's evolved this point. Try not to be warded off by the topic of the ask, I'm not anti byler, I was just explaining I'm not a super fan cause sometimes I feel like Will deserves better than Mike (for personal reasons). Not that he shouldn't gay or whatever. Also, toxic shippers in general. Anyways, it's got a bunch of links to other asks that dive into the topic of doing justice to Will's sexuality and the future of fem!COSMIC. Frankly, I'd appreciate if you followed this link trail (and sources below) first before asking more questions, I've answered this q kind of a lot.
     ○The first few opening chapters of the fem!COSMIC. Where all the info is on the pronoun copies.
     ○The descriptions of the fem books themselves.
     ○Anything in the COSMIC books that says 'announcement' or 'please read'.
     ○My announcement board. If you don't see it right away, that's cause I got messages on top of it. But, as of now, it's still the latest announcement I made on my wattpad message board.
     ○The #cosmic and #f!cosmic tags on tumblr
     ○This very announcement chapter. It's not unlikely I might come back and add something (noticeably at the v bottom) if I realized I forgot something.

●Again, I'm fine answering questions but I kindly ask you look/ask around first (others are more likely to help than you think!)

Well, that's all for now I suppose. I meant to get this out earlier but it just didn't happen. But it's here now! And it's official, Will Byers and Y/n Henderson are coming to an end. But fret not! You really think they could ever hate each other?! Please! There's nothing but love and encouragement there. There always has been and there always will be.

For now, let's all cross our fingers and send some good vibes to our faves on making it through vol 2 in one piece. Safe travels my friends, and I wish you well!

💕💕💕 - Yurtle


SUMMARY: This began as a Will Byers Fem!Reader book when I was struggling heavily with internalized homophobia and subconsciously chose a male love interest for the fem reader who wasn't around and/or wasn't himself for the (at the time) only two seasons available. That didn't last long, I started giving less and less of a shit, and now I'm finally doing what feels more natural to me. And all will x femreader plots will be resolved and explained without erasing sexuality. Will Byers is gay, in the show and in this fic. Always has been always will be.

The love reader and will have and do share, as they will come to realize veeery soon, is perhaps the kind of love that is a little different than what they initially thought it was. And come to find out, through distance, they might not be at their happiest where they are now. And even more "surprising", their respective best friends will discover something very similar...

So yeah, everyone's gay. So not that different from the show. But I promise a few things:

•the Will x Fem!Reader isn't permanent,

•this copy of the series will end with el hopper x reader, as well as byler,

•and there is plenty of buildup for each ship in all prior books.

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