Chapter 15|Sleepover 😌

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Note: that pic was a mistake and I couldn't delete it.

"Keep your head on love. I'm not staying here for long" Ludwig stated with a dark look in his eye, expressionless.

Levi seemed speechless, he frowned staring at Lila and Ludwig with a hard face.

"Omar meet Ludwig, he was a friend's of Levi back in Germany. Ree?, You remember Ludwig don't you?."

Of course I do, he's everything I could think of in days.

"Oh, yeah I do. Hi!" I tried to sound nonchalant.

Ludwig's eyes darted to me, then back to Levi without saying a word to me. Ouch! That hurts!. I guess I'm back to Jax then.

"Cmon, let's all go downstairs. Ree should probably want to get ready for her sleepover and we have lots of catching up to do."

"Why do you always think you know the right thing Lila?. I don't want to be friends with him again and that's final!" Levi stormed pass Lila angrily.

"Levi?. Levi get back here this instance!" Levi had exasperated Lila, her face was completely red and boiling, it's a wonder smoke wasn't shooting out of her hair yet.

"Teenagers are so hard to raise!" Omar said dramatically, "Always acting up and being saucy!."

Lila was so close to exploding in embarrassments, she tried to talk calmly but it came out through gritted teeth, "Ludwig, you wait downstairs. I'll have your mother pick you up after dinner."

"Yeah" he said flatly and walked off. Lila went away too.

Today is the first ever day I've had so many people in my room, it's starting to feel like a market square.

"You sure you don't wanna share the cupcake with me?" Omar turned to me with a silly puppy face.

"Just pick one and go" I snapped picking up my phone, "Omar promise you won't ruin our sleepover."

"Who would I do such a thing?. I'll only watch."

"You'll be our special guest and we will practice make up on your face. If Levi comes out maybe we'll use him too."

"As long as it's not you that'll apply the makeup. You are awful at that."

He dodged the kick I aimed at his neck, "What are we even going to eat?."

I didn't plan to have a sleep over today, I don't have plans, I haven't put anything up.

"We have food in the house, we have snacks too. You guys will just make do" he rubbed his chin and stood up, "I'll help you out."

"Why are you being nice today?. Did you hit your head?. Are you about to die?" I joked.

Omar rolled his eyes, "Because you're not feeling well."

"Or...are you trying to impress my friends?. Do you have a crush on one of them?."

"No" he answered sharply, "Let's just go and make rice or something" he refused to meet my eye as he walked out of my room.

"I'll just ask Cayden then, I am sure he would love to tell me after I smile at him."

"I didn't tell Cayden who my crush it!" Omar said proudly.

"Ohh so you do have a crush. Who is it?. Tell me!. So you have a crush and didn't tell me?. This is pure betrayal!. Oya who is it?. Someone in your class?. Someone in my class?. Who?" I hopped around him, poking him teasingly.

He tried to hold back a laugh, he was so ticklish, "Ree stop jooor" he fought my hand off his body. I tickled him more till he was laughing out loud.

"Omar has a crush!. Lalalala!. Omar has a crush!. Lalalala!" I sang and laughed along.

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