From Now Unto The End Of Days

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Three days had passed after Chaldea returned from the temple of time.

Voyager and Jack both lay next to their master. They had been worried sick about him to the point that Jack had lost sleep over it. She adamantly refused to leave Y/n's room and Voyager was much the same.

Gudao and Astolfo had gone from being fuck buddies to being in what seemed like a genuinely healthy relationship over the course of those two days. Though Astolfo still liked bumming Gudao whenever he could.

Gudako had taken some solace in that she knew she wasn't alone in her grief. She often confided in David for help, though he didn't show it. The former king was truly grateful for the company. Solomon was his son, so his sacrifice left a heavy weight on David's shoulders.

Ophelia had shut herself away in her room while Sakura spent as much time looking after Y/n as she could while he slept. Arcueid tried to refrain from seeing anybody. However she couldn't help but want to see Y/n again, so she visited when everyone else was asleep.

After the lights had gone out on the third day and night fell, Arcueid snuck into Y/n's room. She smiled when she saw Jack and Voyager asleep by their master's side. But she gently nudged them awake.

Arcueid: "Hey, Jack. Voyager. C'mon, get up you two."

Jack opened her eyes slowly before rubbing them in the most adorable manner physically possible.

Jack: "Huh? Miss Arcueid?"

Arcueid: "Hey."

Voyager: "What is it, miss Arcueid?"

Arcueid: "I need you two to go to the cafeteria for me. Get some water for yourselves and Y/n, alright?"

Jack: "No. We don't wanna leave papa!"

Arcueid: "I'll be right here with him. Don't worry, I won't let anybody do anything bad to him and Kiara's been locked inside of her room for the night. Besides, your master's gonna need water when he wakes up, right?"

Jack: "Mm..."

Voyager: "Miss Arcueid's right. We should go get some stuff for master."

Voyager took Jack by the hand and pulled her out of the room so they could go to the cafeteria. Arcueid was alone with Y/n.

Arcueid: "Hey. The kids are gone. You can wake up now..."

She waited for a response. All she got was light breathing.

Arcueid: "Come on, you're not gonna go into a coma are ya? That'd be cringe."

Arcueid took a seat at Y/n's side and gently held his hand in her own.

Arcueid: "Y'know. I once loved someone myself. A boy called Shiki Tohno. I got carried away though got a bit... obsessive, y'know? He's off with an executor now. Suppose I should be happy, but honestly, I just felt jealous. However..."

Arcueid trailed off as she thought to her short time spent at Chaldea. When she first met some of the servants. When she and Makeda started making poor financial decisions. When she trained with Heracles and some of the others.

All of those experiences, she had never had as much fun as she did in those moments.

Arcueid: "I've been on this planet for more than eight hundred years now, and in that time I've only ever fallen in love twice..."

Arcueid then realised what it was that she had just said and she immediately got flustered and began flailing madly. 

Arcueid: "A- Ah! Pretend you didn't hear that!"

Fate/Grand Shenanigans: Solomon's EndWhere stories live. Discover now