6. The Secret

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The next day, the team did what was told. The bike racer team ready themselves up for the race tomorrow, especially Brittany who secretly practiced biking at Ms. Miller's backyard.

Also, Eleanor and Jeanette headed towards the place where the race will be held.

There they were greeted by the staffs placing the decorations up at the town.

"It seems like a normal competition but I sense something fishy around here," said Eleanor in her detective voice.

"W-What do you mean?" Jeanette asked curiously.

"Something might be up, Jeanette. Maybe any of these people is the mysterious bike racer champion and his or her crew will be here, too," Ely replied.

"Wow!" said Jeanette, "You really are a better detective than me."

"I actually owe it to you," Eleanor beamed. "Remember that time when we solved the mystery of the missing Talking Teddy?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I remember that," Jeanette grinned. "Two years had passed but... you surely grown more as a detective!"

"Thanks, Jeanette," Eleanor simply spoke with a radiant smile forming on her face.

"So what do we do now?" Jeanette asked.

"We investigate!" Eleanor seriously answered.

Times had passed and finally, the most awaited day has finally come!

The junior bike races gathered around the town with their bikes beside them. The crowds began to cheer and the lights of the flashing camera made the event alive.

"Okay, guys, are you all ready?" Dave asked before they all leave the car.

"I'm... I'm a little nervous, Dave," Theodore replied with a slight shiver on his voice.

"It's okay to be nervous, Theodore," Simon stated.

"You know, like Adriana Lima once said, 'Don't try to be what you're not. If you're nervous, be nervous. If you're shy, be shy. It's cute," Eleanor added.

As they all hoped off the car, a strange feeling suddenly lifted up their spirits, especially when a group of masked racers passed by.

"Alvin?" said Jeanette, holding up Alvin's hand.

"What's the matter, Jeanette?" asked Alvin.

"C- Can we talk for just a minute?" Jeanette added.

"Sure!" Alvin replied, letting Jeanette take him towards the sidewalk.

"Uh... Where are you guys going?" Simon asked.

"We'll just go explore for a moment to... you know... to give advice," Jeanette answered.

"How about you, Brit?" Simon added.

Jeanette was thrilled when she saw Brittany acting strange lately, ever since before they left the house.

"My... My friend's here and I just want to say good luck!" Brittany asked.

"Okay but just hurry up, okay? The competition's about to start," Simon notified.

"Got it!" the three answered in unison.

Jeanette took Alvin on a place where there were less people scattered around.

"What's the matter, Jeanette? You seem a little anxious," Alvin asked, concerned of what he's noticing.

"As the captain of the racer team, I... I just want to say that y - you might not win this," Jeanette stated.

"Oh, come on," Alvin lilted, "You're just kidding, right?"

"No! No, I'm not," added Jeanette. "You know how the mysterious bike race champion wins, right? You don't know what his team will give to you and the others in the team!"

"Jeanette, this is why we're here," Alvin explained, "to end his reign once and for all and to show the whole city his secrets on how he always win."

"Fine! Go ahead and face his cheats," Jeanette warned. "I'm just telling this to you as a friend... a concerned friend that doesn't want any of you to get hurt."

"You know what, let's take a bet," Alvin spoke bravely, "If we lose, I will behave in class for a whole week."

"And if you win, I'll give you a ride on my back like uh..." Jeanette added, looking around. After a few seconds, she caught a glimpse of a picture of a horse nearby.

 After a few seconds, she caught a glimpse of a picture of a horse nearby

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"Like a horse!" Alvin beamed.

"Deal!" Jeanette answered.

"Now we have an accord," said Alvin. "May the best racer win!"


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