Having The World - Part 1

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[The events of the following scenes take place a week before Levi tries to convince Erwin not to go into battle to retake Wall Maria]


We've still got a lot of work to do until we can plug Wall Maria, but I'm much more confident now in our mission. Hopefully the Scouts will be ready in time and Eren can master his titan abilities.

I'm in my bedroom in the Scouts' sleeping quarters that we've been provided for the time being. My room is probably nicer than the cadets' barracks but I can't imagine it's the best room here. There are some dark shelves built into the wall, and a full bed in the middle of the room, dressed with plain sheets. A small wooden table and two chairs sit on the left of the bed, next to a large window overlooking the gardens. I'm unbuckling the clasps on my gear as I hear a soft knock at the door.

"Captain," Commander Erwin says softly. "May I enter?"

"Come in." I say, turning to the door. My Superior, Commander Erwin Smith, walks in and closes the door behind him, an unreadable expression on his face lit by the flickering candlelight in the room. He has taken his Scout's cape off, so I can see the limp sleeve of his ivory dress shirt where his right arm should be. He lost it in battle to a titan. He's lucky to be alive.

"Commander." I address him, bowing my head slightly in greeting.

He looks even taller in this room, the ceilings are a mere seven inches from the perfectly combed blonde hairs atop his head, a stark contrast to the feet between the ceiling and my dark hair. I don't think I've ever seen his hair even remotely disheveled in the entire time I've known him. I try not to linger too long on that thought.

I know the events during the Coup took a much bigger toll on him than he'll ever admit. It's one of the things we have in common; a driving need to not let anyone see our resolve falter. Even thinking about him on his knees in that King's courtroom, beaten and scared, waiting to be executed for a false treason, makes my blood boil. I know I was occupied when the events took place, but I can't hide my anger at not being able to protect him there. Probably for the best, though. If I had witnessed that I would've put every single one of the Council members' heads on a spike in the courtyard for all to see.

I watch as he surveys the room. Since we're in borrowed quarters there isn't much of a personal touch for anyone to add, not that I'd have much to add anyways.

"You've always been so neat." he comments.

"Helps me keep things organized." I say, pulling my right leg out of the thick straps of my gear. He stands in silence, watching me. I set my gear on the antique dresser next to the bed and try not to acknowledge the electricity I feel with his gaze on me. I've always felt it when he's around, but I know it's not mutual, so I shove that acknowledgement into a cellar in the back of my mind and swallow the key.

"Tea?" I ask, shaking away those thoughts before they betray me. "I had Armin brew some before I ordered everyone to bed."

"Please." he says, walking over to sit at the table. I pick up one of the delicate teacups from the tea tray and pour some for him and then myself.

"Thank you." He takes the teacup with his good arm and lifts it to his lips.

"Everything alright?" Erwin looks like he hasn't slept in days. I know losing his arm has been hard. If there's anything I've learned about him over the years it's that he hates feeling useless. Adjusting to this has been painful for him.

"Will you join me?" he asks, gesturing to the chair on the other side of the table. I nod, taking a seat. He leans back so that he's slouching in the chair, legs wide, visibly relaxing. His entire body practically fills the small dining space.

Teaspoons and Promises (Deleted Scenes I: Erwin x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now