Losing The World - Part 1

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*I wanted this fic to flow seamlessly with the Canon events, therefore some scenes are taken directly from the Anime. Any dialogue between '*' and '**' is taken straight from the Anime, but all writing between is my own.


I'll admit, the past week, while planning and training was exhausting, has been one of the best of my life. All of those years spent wondering about Levi, not knowing if he could ever feel the same, have been worth it. Our time together has been perfect. I find myself downcast at his absence this morning as I prepare for the rest of the day. It seems his presence has made a place in my daily routine.

We've got a meeting with Premiere Zachary to update him on the serum this afternoon. Levi and the others haven't returned from their encounter with Saddis yet. I'm not sure what knowledge they've acquired but hopefully we'll get an update from them as well. We are so close to getting all of our answers. I can feel it.
Light from outside illuminates the meeting room through cerulean curtains as we wait for Premiere Zachary to enter. Levi files in beside me, face blank. We haven't had any time to go over what they learned from Saddis yet but we'll discuss it after this.

We stand around the dark wooden table in the center of the room. The syringe Levi's uncle thrusted into his arms sits like an anchor in the middle. It feels that way anyways, the weight of the syringe and what it means weighs on all of our consciences. I hadn't spent much time examining it after initial observation. We left that to Hange and the others.

*"Looks like I'm late. Sorry." Premiere Zachary closes the door behind him, a stern look on his bearded face. We wait silently as he sits in one of the ornate mahogany chairs. Levi stands to his right and I on Levi's other side. "Have any luck? Were you able to establish what's in the container?"

"We have a vague idea," Hange starts, "but unfortunately with our technology, I'm afraid we can't dig much deeper. Like we've heard from Eren and Historia, it seems to originate from some sort of human body fluid. However, it vaporizes when exposed to air, making further analysis virtually impossible to perform. Whoever made it must've had technology far superior to ours. I can't imagine how the Reiss family could have managed to do it."

Premiere Zachary ingests this information.

"In that case, rather than tamper with it we should put it to use with our current objective." Pyxis notes.

"But to whom do we entrust it? To you, Erwin?" Premiere Zachary asks me.

Hmm. This is something I had pondered briefly. What happens if we've got little time to deliberate who gets the serum, say we should need to make that decision on the field, who, then, is the best candidate to make that decision, let alone take the serum. Maybe the real question here isn't who gets it but who gives it. Nevertheless, my answer is still the same.

"No, with my wound I would be a poor choice." Levi was right about that. I can't be the one entrusted to keep the syringe and decide who gets it. If I don't survive we need someone else to make that decision. "This syringe, it belongs in the hands of one of our elite. Someone with the best odds of survival. Levi, will you accept it?" My head swivels to meet Levi's gaze next to me.

I hold my breath waiting for his answer.


I hide my shock with what I hope is a decent poker face.
"If it's an order, just say so. Why even bother asking?" I say. But my mind is reeling. I can feel the undercurrent in his words. Best odds of survival. So what? Does he plan not to take the field then? I shoot daggers his way, hoping he gets the message.

Teaspoons and Promises (Deleted Scenes I: Erwin x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now