Chapter 6 - Thursday (part 1)

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Thursday morning, when Maria woke up, she bumped her nose into something. Tiredly opening her eyes, she realized it was Natasha's collarbone, and that she was still wrapped up in her arms. The redhead stirred, opening her eyes, too. She looked down at the same time Maria looked up.

"Hey." she told her softly with a one sided smile.

Maria felt her heart pound in her chest, and she was pretty sure it was not normal to feel like that for a one syllable word. Maybe that was it and she was finally going to have a stroke.

But if she had to go, she was definitely going to go with a bang.

She tipped her head up higher, softly kissing Natasha's lips for a moment.

"Good morning." she said, pulling back and slightly blushing. God, she felt like she was twelve again, it was disheartening.

Natasha didn't say anything, she just kissed her again. Maria's hand in between them went up to linger on Natasha's neck, while the other one was clutching at the side of Natasha's shirt covering her hip. She felt the redhead's hands on her back, pulling her impossibly closer.

She slid up slightly and deepened the kiss, the movement combined with Natasha's guiding hands making her rotate her position, until she was half on top of her, her left hand leaving Natasha's neck to fall on the pillow to support her own weight.

As Natasha's hands landed on her sides, pulling her even closer, she felt the redhead's right leg come up and rest on her hip.

And if Natasha was trying to kill her, it was working perfectly. Especially when she made the subconscious decision to bring her own hand lower on Natasha's thigh. And that was how she remembered Natasha wasn't wearing any pants. And neither was she.

A moan escaped her lips and Natasha's grip tightened.

As she came up to take a breath, she tried to find something to say at least mildly coherent, but before she could, Natasha's lips were on her neck and one of her hands was softly gripping her hair to tilt her head back slightly.

She gave up on the thought-forming part and went in for another kiss that was even more heated than the previous one.

Natasha's hand on her hip moved her shirt and grazed her skin. It was her turn to break the kiss, sighing softly.

Maria kissed her neck and traced a path to her collarbone and then went back up to her lips as she felt Natasha's hand moving onward.

And she had to laugh, she had to.

"Are you feeling up my abs?"

Natasha bit lightly on her neck and suddenly it wasn't that funny anymore.

"I'm so not sorry I did it. Ugh, it's just muscles, why are yours so good to look at and touch?" her voice was breathy and Maria did not know the answer to that, but she wanted to thank every Deity ever praised that Natasha thought so.

The hand in her hair tightened and she felt a light scratch on her abdomen and nothing in the world could have ever expressed how much she desperately wished the knock she heard at the door right after that had just been in her head.

When the door opened, she swiftly removed herself from Natasha, ending up sitting next to her on the bed. Natasha also got up in a sitting position, wrapping her arms around her torso.

"Hey guys, I-" Elena stopped on the threshold. "Ah. Were you-" she tried with all her might not to laugh at the expressions on the faces of two of the most powerful women in the world, sitting there as if they were teenagers caught making out by their parents. "Staring at that picture on the wall Sara was talking about?"

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