Chapter 9 - Saturday (part 1)

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Natasha felt herself starting to wake up to the sound of Maria's phone alarm, so she decided to turn her face further into the pillow. A cold sensation on her left shoulder blade rose up to her neck and she realized Maria was waking up too and was fighting the alarm by hiding her cold nose in the crock of Natasha's neck.

A small smile played on her lips as she backed further into her arms.

Maria's cold nose was almost instantly replaced by her warm lips as she traced a line on her skin from her neck back to her shoulder.

She turned around to look at her and as soon as she met the sleepy but peaceful eyes of the woman lying next to her, a surge of happiness spread in her chest. She moved forward to kiss her briefly on the lips.

"Hi." came a sleepy greeting.

Natasha's smile widened. "Hi yourself." She pressed another kiss to her lips, distractedly caressing her cheek with her fingers. "Your nose is so cold."

"No it's not. You're just too hot."

Natasha snorted and moved even closer. "We should probably get up." she murmured as she went in for yet another kiss.

"Probably, yeah." Maria agreed, returning the kiss eagerly and slipping on top of Natasha.

The alarm went off again, making both of them sigh.

"You know, we don't want to be late." Natasha whispered, keeping up the kissing part and distracting Maria to a point where she didn't see what Natasha was implying just yet.

"Yeah, Sara would kill us."

"Right. So we should go shower immediately. Together, obviously. To save precious time."

Maria was still processing her words when she opened her eyes again only to see Natasha getting up and walking naked towards the bathroom. And damn, that was one hell of a sight.

"That's the only ecologically wise thing to do." she agreed, getting up too.

- - -

They got ready together, Maria wearing her light blue dress as Natasha wore a deep red one. They weren't matching but they weren't clashing either. Natasha was quite happy with the result.

They went upstairs at half past nine, they were supposed to leave for the ceremony at ten o'clock, so they weren't late. But they had just set foot on the ground floor when Elena spotted them.

"Thank God you're ready! I need you to talk to Sara, she's having a meltdown." she told Natasha, rolling her eyes. "She loved that dress more than Luke yesterday and now, all of a sudden, she absolutely can't get married in that. Would you please talk to her?"

"Sure, I'll try." she said uncertainly and looked at Maria.

"I'll come with."

"Actually..." Elena grimaced. "Mom and Dad are having an argument. I'd calm them down myself but I've got to dress the kids."

"I'll dress the kids!" Maria said quickly, then gave her sister a sheepish smile.

"Fine. But just because you did a great job saving Karen's ass with the limo and the restaurant and all the pranks and presents the other night."

Maria smirked. "Thank you. Good luck."

They moved toward the stairs, but Elena called after them again.

"Wait, wait. I forgot to ask. Did the two of you, uhm-" She glanced around, then lowered her voice to a whisper. "talk to Crystal?" She raised a suggestive eyebrow. "You know, for the two of you? Found something to-" she cleared her throat "make pictures more interesting?"

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