Chapter 4. Mrs. Compassion

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I stepped into the room to see Mr. John smiling. Everyone was already in their groups. I walked over to mine. It was our second day at the Life group, and everyone was talking except for Patrick and Jacob. They did not even look when I took a seat in my beanbag. Mr. John walked over and talked to the group beside us, but our group just sat in silence. I waited for someone to look up or give a sign of life, but neither guy attempted. When Mr. John got to our group, he looked disappointed.

"Hey, guys. What's up?" he asked, putting his arm on my shoulder.

"Nothing. What are we doing?" Jake asked quickly.

"Well the person who told their story yesterday is going to tell the group the positive things in their life before and after the tragedy." Mr. John smiled.

"Okay." Patrick nodded.

"Good luck." Mr. John patted my shoulder and walked off. I leaned forward on my beanbag and placed my hands on my knees.

"So, Patrick, tell us." I encouraged.

"Well, before the parties and the death, I had a happy family. I was popular. I was pretty smart. After the accident, I guess I got to meet new family. I got level headed. I started going to church with my aunt." Patrick shrugged.

"Do you miss your life before?" I asked.

"Of course I do, but without it, I wouldn't have met some of my friends I have now. The accident took my family, but it didn't take my life, and so I should be happy." Patrick smiled.

"How can you feel that way?" Jake said, turning it more into an accusation rather than a question.

"Jake I-" Patrick tried reasoning.

"No, this is stupid!" Jake yelled. Mr. John came out of nowhere.

"Let's move on. Jake, tell your story today." Mr. John suggested.

"Gladly." Jacob said. Mr. John walked away and Patrick and I looked at Jake. "Well, I was 16, happy alive, and free. One day, this guy Kyle brought a gun to school. I was by my locker waiting for my friend Lucas when Kyle pointed the gun at me. Lucas jumped in front of the bullet just in time to save my life. I owe him everything, but can give him nothing in return. Everyday I think about how he was there for me. He died protecting me, not picking my ass up after a party, or whatever stupid thing you are here for. My parents ended up fighting over who had to deal with my depressed self, so they separated and now I mostly just skip school and avoid anything I used to do. I'm different. I'm not me anymore."

"So you think your story is so special because it's not your fault?" Patrick asked.

"Jacob, we all know your story. Everyone here has a story. We're not at school. No one here can't show compassion. We call can say life sucks. You can't judge us because we made mistakes." I said. Jake narrowed his eyes at me.

"Yeah, well, let's hear your story, Mrs. Compassion. Huh? Did you lose your best friend? Were you molested? Haha! I bet you were locked up in a closet and forced to eat..." his voice faded as I walked out of the room. Everything began to blur as I ran to my car. I slammed myself into the seat and forced my hand to start the ignition.

Hey, guys! Sorry it took so long. I have had soooo much homework!

Thanks for reading.

Hope you enjoyed.

Sorry it is so short.

Please vote, comment, or message me or whatever you want:)


Taylor <3

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