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Looking around 003 doesn't spot anything or anyone. she knows their behind her but she doesn't care enough to look back becasue she needs to hide.
all you can think is happy.
you don't have to be there anymore.
your free.
it's like coming out of your room just to pamper yourself up. that's how you feel and that's how you always want to feel.
" find her!" a guards voice rings in the distance, you know their gaining closer and closer.
you needed to hurry and hide.
pushing through more leaves and thorns you pop your head out and see a road, you look down the road and see houses some distants away from you.
the other way was just more road and maybe a couple houses in the woods.
you took a sharp breath and made a decision, you ran down the road towards the open houses.
it was the best option, even though that's the first place they would think you would go, you can just ask for help and hide.
so you ran till you came up the second house on the right, just to not seem desperate and stupid to them.
because your not stupid.
Dustin was coming home from another campagin, he was smiling since they won this one and mike lost.
he was singing this song he heard on the radio the other day and tapping his fingers against the handles of his bike with every beat.
pulling into the driveway he parks his bike and props his backpack up on his shoulders a little further up so it doesn't fall.
a rustle from the bushes catches his attention, he just thinks it was the wind since it was pretty cold and shrugs.
about to walk off again he hears a louder rustle from the bushes and fully turns around. the wind wasn't blowing that hard to make that much noise.
" h-hello?" he asks shakily, scared that something was going to jump out of the bushes and kill him.
your foot got stuck on one of the thorns so your struggling while trying to be queit to get it out, it was cutting your skin making a long scar on your leg and it was stinging really bad.
you heard a shaky hello from a boy- you thought he could help you but you didn't want him running off and getting adults because he heard a sound in the bushes.
dustin walks closer, the aura chill and tense, his hand shakes as he reaches out to the bush until you pop up out the bush.
" Holy shit!" he screams and falls back and onto his butt as you start wiping off the leaves that are on your outfit.