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Dustin arrives at school and parks his bike in one of the slots.
he normally wouldv'e went with will on his way to and from home but will didn't show. dustin waits a few more mintures before spotting them.
" hey guys." dustin says walking up to them, they turn around and look at dustin with upset faces.
" where were you yesterday?" mike asks, they won this campagin again and he missed out on the best part.
they had a griddy feeling in their chest- dustin rarely misses out on anything and if he does, it's about his cat that his mother's obssesd with.
" my-.. mom wanted me to do something so i had to miss out." dustin lies, he didn't like lying to his friends but it seemed as if- or he has a feeling that he shouldn't tell his friends about you.
not yet.
but- they know when dustin lies because he's not good at it. his words get cought in his throat and he chokes- like now.
" you told your mom and she said that it was fine the whole week." will says, not meaning to sound indignant.
" look i now i missed it but how about today huh? i'll make it today." dustin croaks out- he really didn't want to talk about it anymore but he knew they were getting more pissed by the second.
" you don't have to come if you don't want to dustin just don't lie to our faces about it. come on guys." mike says making an annoyed face at dustin and about to walk off with will and lucas.
" wait!" dustin yells stopping them in their tracks.
" i'm sorry i'm lying it's just-" he walks up to them and stops a little behind them while they turn all the way around." i can't tell you about it. it's like something really cool and it's a surprise for you guys." he lies again.
their faces light up a little- a look of anticipation and desire to know what it is.
" really?"
" yea..." dustin lingers off as the boys cheer and start talking about a charecter they want to improve on in d&d.
dustin was more in the back and in thought then really paying attention- even though he just met you two days ago on a cool november night and you scared the shit out of him he really cares for you.
enough so that he doesn't know a lot about you since you didn't talk a lot, you seemed cool.
" dustin!"
he didn't want the people you were running from to find you so he had to keep you safe-
" from earth to dustin! hello?!"
something just seems off with you. he doesn't think your weird but just different then the rest of them. he likes different though, not trying to fit in with the crowd.