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(10 years later)

If 10 years ago you told Harry he would be about to marry his best friend who he had been in love with for years he would laugh  at you, not believing a word you were saying. But here i he is just mere minutes away from walking down that idle and locking eyes with the love of his life.

Over the past 10 years life had been going great, Louis got a scholarship into his dream school to play in their football team. While Harry didn't get into his dream school but, he was accepted yo the same one Louis got into and he was perfectly fine with that. Harry graduated with a Major in Psychology and Minor in business, and  has a well paying job as a therapist, while running a small coffee shop near their house, it was here when Harry met Liam who was one of the first people he hired and has been close friends with ever since. As for Louis, he is the captain of a local Minor league football team.  Where he met Zayn, who is now one of his best friends.  As for Harry's best friend, Niall has perused a career within the music industry. To say he was succeeding was an understatement, he is one of the most well known and beloved male singers of all time.


Knock knock "Harry, mate you almost ready?" An Irish accent asked the light the door.

"Y-yeah! You can come in!"

"You alright H?"

"I'm a bit nervous to be honest. I mean growing up I never thought I would even have a CHANCE with Lou, but now here I am getting ready to walk down the aisle. what the fuck! I'm fucking getting married to him Niall! It's - it's insane! I can't believe it's actually happening....."

"Harry, take a breath. I know it's crazy to think about, and trust !e if I was in your position of be freaking out too, but everything will be great. Now let's finish getting you ready its almost time."

"Yeah, let's do this."

*meanwhile in Louis dressing room*

"But mum-"

"Louis how many times yo I have to tell you? Harry loves you more than anything else, he isn't going to bail on you. Now please take a breath it is almost time for us to walk to the alter."


Just a short 5 minutes later Jay and Louis were  at the beginning of the isle as the violinists started up with A thousand years softly making it's way through the air. With a deep breath to calm his nerves Louis and his  mother made their way to the alter where Liam, the officiant, was already waiting.

Jay pulled her son into a quick hug and placed a kiss on his cheek whispering, "congrats my baby boy, I'm so happy for you," and making her way to a seat in the front. 

As everyone else made their ways down the isle to take their places Louis took his time to admire the venue, it was simple yet beautiful, pink and blue flower decorated the area along with  vines intertwining on the archway. All the guests were seated nicely in the white chairs neatly lined up in rows.

The last of the people standing in the wedding, Harry's best man Niall and Louis' being Zayn, made their way to their spots  Louis brought his focus back in just was the flower girl made here way down the isle in her adorable baby blue dress with a small basket full of petals with a pink bow tied around the handle. Once she made her way down she found her parents and took her seat. 

Before anyone one had time to blink the music picked up yet again, this time with Can't Help Falling In Love, as Harry and his Mom made their way down to the alter. Everybody rose to their feet at that  moment to watch him walk down the isle. To say he looked amazing would be the understatement of the century. He was stunning, absolutely breathtaking, Harry was in a pale pink shimmery suit.

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