More Like Me (Pt.1/3) ~ Catradora

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"It's just hair."

"It's important to you," Catra said. It wasn't a question but Adora confirmed it anyway with a hesitant nod. "How long have you been thinking about cutting it?"

Adora bit the bottom of her lip, finally daring to meet Catra's gaze.

So, a while, then.


"Do you think you'll cut it again?"

"Hm?" Catra hummed at the sudden distraction. She was busy looking over some proposals Glimmer had given her for their next alliance meeting. Apparently being a royal advisor meant actually giving opinions and...ugh, advising.

Being the generous and considerate person she was, Catra had volunteered to use her precious morning relaxation time to go over the notes and recommend any finishing touches. She had the papers scattered around on the bed where she currently sat leaning against her girlfriend's chest. Adora's legs were on either side of her, arms wrapped around Catra's waist and her chin resting on Catra's shoulder as she pretended to pay attention to what Catra was doing.

"Your hair," Adora clarified. "It's getting longer. Do you think you'll ever cut it again?"

Catra moved her head to glance at Adora and smiled lightly when she saw Adora's nose scrunch up as her hair brushed over it. The fact that her hair was long enough to even do that, the brown strands grown out to her shoulders now, was something to appreciate.

"Well, Bow was saying I should trim the ends to keep it healthy but, no, I think I want my long hair back. It feels more like me. You know?"

Something flashed in Adora's eyes that Catra didn't quite get.

"Yeah," Adora mumbled. "You're right."

Catra frowned, suddenly self-conscious. It was silly to even doubt it, but she cautiously asked, "Do the short hair better?"

"What?!" Adora's eyes widened. "No! I mean- I like it, I like you, with or without hair- uh short hair, that is. I- I mean regardless if you had hair, I'd still probably-"

She was cut off with a squeaky laugh from Catra, who was now feeling ridiculous for even asking. "Okay, okay. Relax, dummy. I know what you meant." Tilting her head up at an awkward angle, she kissed Adora's cheek. "But don't worry. I'm not going bald anytime soon, even if Sparkles makes me want to rip my hair out sometimes."

Adora laughed and Catra relished feeling the shake of Adora's shoulders beneath her. It felt nice, being the one to make Adora smile again.

The sound died down and once again they sat in silence, the only sound the faint rustling of papers. Adora's hand moved up to comb through Catra's hair, her fingers toying with it and scratching at her scalp. Catra sank into the touch, a small purr bubbling out of her as she enjoyed the quiet moment.

Still, something was nagging at Catra, stopping her from enjoying it all. Because of course she would find something wrong. Only, this time, it didn't have to do with her.

It was the look Adora had when Catra had answered. Catra knew Adora well and she knew when Adora was hiding something, no matter how small or inconsequential. Years ago, when they were still cadets, she wouldn't have pushed. But, now, they were older and Catra knew better than to let Adora bottle everything up.

"What about you?" Catra asked, and judging by the way Adora tensed, she'd hit the nail right on the head.

"What...what about me?" Adora tried to sound nonchalant. Emphasis on tried.

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