Escape (robin)

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Robin Arellano, went missing about 2 days ago.

We'd always been friends, at times more than friends but that didn't matter. After he disappeared, things were hard. I wouldn't eat or sleep.

When I did sleep, all I thought about was robin. The same nightmare. Black balloons, a van, masks, sinister laughs. I usually shot up in a blind panic, sweat dripping off my body.

The nights I tried to help the search party, they'd send me away. Saying I was too fragile to help, and if I found robins body I'd crack.

I knew it was bullshit.

I was in bed, waiting for my moms usual routine. Coming in at 10pm, saying goodnight and then heading off to her night shift.

Once she left I climbed out the window, grabbed my bike and started cycling through every neighbourhood.

I came too a stop at a house with that same van that I saw in my dream, nightmare

I saw a small basement window and ran over to it. I crouched onto my knees and looked in. Him. I saw him. Robin Arellano.

I began banging on the window. He jumped off the mattress and looked up at me. Tears filled his eyes.

Y/n- robin! I'm gonna get you out!

He couldn't hear me. Grabber had soundproofed the basement so he couldn't hear a word I said.

I looked around trying to find a way in. The only way that wasn't locked was through that window.

I began kicking the window. Cracks started to form from the impact of my foot.

I thought about how badly I wanted this. All that anger, fear and pain kept inside. I let it out. Using it to break the window.

The bars were still there so I had to find a way past them

Robin- holy shit

Y/n- how do we get rid of the bars?

He looked around before looking up at me

Robin- your belt! Give me your belt!

I fumbled with my belt, taking it off and throwing it down to him.

He tied it around the bars and began pulling while I pushed on them.

Eventually the bars broke and dropped to the ground. I grabbed robins hand and pulled him out.

Robin engulfed me in a huge hug. It felt so good to hug him. Even though he was sweaty, bloody and hair a complete mess, it didn't matter. It was like we were the only people in the world

Robin- y/n

Y/n- oh god robin, you don't understand how happy I am your ok

Robin- you were the only thing keeping me going

Y/n- really?

Robin- yeah, your my best friend

We heard the door open. He was coming. Robin grabbed my hand and pulled me up before pulling me along behind him. We ran for miles.

When we finally stopped we had lost him.

In the morning, we called the police and that man was arrested. He couldn't hurt anyone else.

It was so good to have robin back. To have my best friend back. Who knows maybe one day we will be more than that but for now, I want to enjoy every moment I have with him

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