Discovery (robin)

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A/n- finally back from my holiday. I apologise for not posting as I had no time and was sick for most of the holiday but I promise I've got more chapters coming but also leave requests for me

My dad is Albert shaw. It's always been me and him since I can remember. My mother died when I was young, too young to know. Max is my fathers brother, my uncle. Him and I get along well, when he's high that is. Other than that, to my dad I'm an outcast and to my uncle I'm a lightweight

Ever since kids started going missing, my dad is very sensitive to the topic. I guess it doesn't help that max is so invested in the case

Max- did you hear about the new missing kid?

Y/n- yeah, robin arellano

I watched my fathers face wince as the boys name rolled off my tongue

Albert- how was school?

I stared curiously at his attempt to change the topic

Y/n- eh it was good

Max- I think I've finally found him

Y/n- who?

Max- the grabber

Albert- oh give it a rest max!

I jumped. My heart beating faster than ever. I had never seen him so mad

Max- al what's wrong?

Y/n- dad?

Albert- go to your room. Max, pack your shit and be gone by the morning. I have to go out

Before either of us could answer, he stormed out. We sat silently at the table, the only noise was of his van starting and pulling out

Max- I have something to do

He stood up, walking to the living room Going to do coke obviously

I went to bed, dozing off into a much needed slumber

When I awoke, max was gone and so was my father. As I walked into the kitchen, I was met with a note stuck on the fridge

I had to run some errands, just getting things to redecorate your room

I made breakfast and went back upstairs to begin redecorating my room. It had been something my father and I were meant to do for months but ever since kids went missing, he hasn't done it

I began searching for the carpet him and I bought months ago. I searched his room. I looked in his wardrobe.

My heart stopped. Tears filled my eyes. This was always in the back of my head but I always blew it off because he was my dad

I reached out. The feeling of bloody cloth in my hands. A green bandana. His bandana

I stalled before going to the basement. The only place I could think of that he would keep those kids

Suddenly I heard someone pull in the driveway

Y/n- dad !?

Calling out for him, part of me prayed it wasn't him and it wasn't, just the postman

I opened the basement door, walking down the steps I was met with a large metal door, unlocked

Suddenly, as I opened the door, I was struck by a black phone

Y/n- ow!

Robin- shit, y/n?

Y/n- robin?

Robin- what the fuck are you doing here?

Y/n- I... I live here

Robin- what?

Y/n- my dad... is the grabber

Robin- your helping him!?

Y/n- no, I had no idea about this

Robin- can you let me go, please I won't tell anyone

Y/n- I'll let you go, but I want you to tell people, I want you to take my dad down.

Robin- really?

Y/n- yes.

He stared at me trying to figure out if I was lying or not

Y/n- come on

I grasped his hand in mine and began leading him up the stairs to freedom

Suddenly our escape was stopped by my fathers van pulling into the driveway

Robin- fuck

Y/n- what do we do?

I began to panic. I was choosing robin over my own father, once he found out he would surely flip

We were trapped now. He would punish me just as he's punished robin and those before him. We were sitting ducks, awaiting the pain to soon come, awaiting the bruises to soon overtake our clear skin, awaiting the cold empty feeling that we would soon meet

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