Rumble (all)

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I was sitting at a bench outside the grab n go while I awaited my friend's arrival. Bruce had won one of the biggest games this season so we were just going to buy a bunch of junk food and eat it

I finally saw my friends arrive. Each of them deep in a conversation

Vance- motherfuckers, we're doing this tonight

Finney- I agree, they can't keep fucking with her

Robin- those puta's won't know what hit 'em

Y/n- what's up?

Bruce- some guys at my game were shit talking you

Y/n- oh

Vance- we're going to fuck them up tonight

Y/n- no, no way

Billy- come on let us do it

Y/n- no, you'll get in so much trouble

Robin- your not our mother

Y/n- true but your not doing this. I don't care what they said

Bruce- they said your dad touches you and that's why your mother left

Y/n- what!? That's not true, she left because he was a drunk and works 24/7 and he never touches me, he doesn't even hug me!

Finney- it's easy to tell people who believe you but they don't

Y/n- ... so what's the plan

Vance- see I knew she'd be in, good girl

He took a seat next to me

Vance- we're going to go to their neighbourhood and fuck them up, no weapons

Y/n- that's a shit plan

Vance- you got a better idea

Y/n-  no

Vance- then shut the fuck up

Robin- but bring a weapon in case. These assholes don't fight fair

Y/n- I know, so who's on our side

Robin- most of the school

Y/n- that's good

Finney- 8 o clock, come if you want

Vance- no she's not coming

Y/n- why not

Vance- cause I said so!

I ignored him, him and I both knew I would go so there was no point stopping me

8 o clock rolled around and I snuck out to go see the fight. We were outnumbered by about 4 people so in a way they needed me.

Guy- so let's start this or is the slut going to show

Vance- she's not a slut

Guy- you sure? Ask her what she was doing last night

He grabbed his crotch area, implying that I did him last night

Vance- she wouldn't touch you

Guy- yeah because she's too busy gang banging you lot

With that Vance threw a punch, hitting his face causing his nose to break

I looked around, it was chaos. Finney had someone in a headlock, going to snap his neck because Fin's arm is mint. Robin was practically jumping on some guys ribs. Bruce was punching some guy in the stomach, making him vomit. Vance was continuing to punch that guy in the face, it was so bloody that I was sure he had no face left

I had to stop this before someone ended up in hospital.

Y/n- Vance stop!

Before I could reach him, I felt a sharp object dig into my side. Before I could comprehend anything, I collapsed onto the floor, blacking out

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