Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

    Just when the secretary was puzzled, Jiang Yuhan looked up lightly.

    He immediately looked back.

    the next day.

    As soon as Jing Cen thought that the person he had a crush on would go, he got up early in the morning to pack up, and changed the clothes in the closet until it was almost recording time at 8:00 in the morning, and then he opened the door.

    Ji Hui yawned, sat lazily on the chair and waited, until the sound of footsteps in the corridor before raising his head lightly.

    When he looked up, he saw Jing Cen dressed like a white peacock, slightly speechless.

    "You wore this all morning?"

    Jing Cen was very satisfied with the white suit he had chosen. After looking in the mirror for a long time, he choked after hearing Ling Ling's words.

    "You guys don't understand human aesthetics."

    "You don't think this suit is ordinary, but every time I show up wearing this white suit, fans scream crazy on Weibo."

    He said Of course, I didn't feel that it was a violation of me, an actor with a reserved but bad temper, who secretly peeked at his fans' Weibo.

    Ji Hui shook his head.

    "As long as you're happy."

    He glanced downstairs, unexpectedly today, Xie Jin was not at home and left early in the morning.

    Jing Cen didn't take it to heart, after all, his elusive roommate was not at home too many times.

    As soon as the two went out, the car of the director team parked outside the hometown. In order to ensure the privacy of the residents, the hometown never allowed the filming team to enter, even the director team could only wait outside.

    As soon as Jing Cen faced the camera, he instantly returned to his arrogant and arrogant appearance on TV, and nodded slightly after walking over.

    "Emperor Jing, the time is just right, let's go now."

    He asked the photographer to show Jing Cen the camera and let him say hello.

    Ji Hui was already in the car at this time. In front of the car were the driver and the co-pilot director. He could only sit in the back seat.

    Even this kind of recording equipment couldn't capture him.

    Jing Cen got into the car after saying hello.

    At this time, I remembered the spirit behind.

    "That, are you there?" He coughed in his heart and asked casually.

    Ji Hui said lightly, "Yes."

    Just now, when he was in front of the camera, he didn't care about the spirit behind his back, and when he heard that the other party also got into the car, Jing Cen finally breathed a sigh of relief.

    "That's good."

    Because the director was in front, and there was still a camera somewhere, Jing Cen kept his actor face, and was rarely quiet for a while.

    However, before halfway through the journey, Ji Hui heard someone calling him again.

    "I forgot to ask, what color clothes do you guys wear behind your back?"

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