Chapter 57

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Chapter 57

    When Ji Hui was protecting these commissioners, his energy was unstable for a moment.

    But he was too lazy to care. At this time, seeing Jiang Yuhan seemed a little uncomfortable, he couldn't help reaching out to help him.

    The suit on the man was slightly cold, and Ji Hui frowned.

    "What's wrong?" He said in a concerned tone.

    Jiang Yuhan shook his head.

    "I saw the body of the abyss. It exploded."

    When Ji Hui was protecting those people, he looked farther, and looked directly at the eyes of the sky, and saw the appearance of the other party's body.

    There seemed to be chaos brewing in that bloody eye.

    Jiang Yuhan's eyes were slightly sour, but after Ji Hui closed his eyes, he finally got better.

    The interaction between the two did not shy away from other people, and Xie Qian looked strange.

    "You..." He just started.

    Ji Hui turned around at this time, and Xie Jin, who had only seen a back figure just now, was caught off guard and saw the front face.

    Is this... the spirit behind it?

    He was startled for a moment, and when he saw the man looking at him, he seemed a little puzzled.

    "You're not dizzy."

    Ji Hui frowned lazily.

    "I thought you fainted just now."

    Xie Qian came back to his senses from the familiar tone, looking at the ghostly beautiful face in front of him, he confirmed it again suspiciously.

    "Are you the spirit behind?"

    Ji Hui: scoff.

    Seeing him one by one, they all reacted the same way.

    That stunning face paired with a red wedding dress will not make people feel inconsistent at all.

    Xie Jin's mind was rarely blank for a while.

    Ji Hui recalled Xie     Jin's stereotype of himself, and couldn't help but said: "Do you think I have a fierce face, and the blue and white bowels are all outside?

    " want.

    Being told by the spirit behind him, the lazy smile on his face rarely disappeared, and his expression was slightly complicated.

    It was as if he didn’t expect the spirit behind him to look like this, and at the same time he felt like—as expected.

    When he saw the back spirit's hands in Xie's ancestral land at that time, he seemed to have some hunch, but he didn't expect the real back spirit to be more human-like than he imagined.

    Also more...prettier.

    Xie Qian never thought that he would use such a word to describe a man, but when he saw the spirit behind him, there seemed to be no other words in his mind.

    He is beautiful.

    When a red figure appeared in front of him, it was dazzling.

    Xie Qian pressed his sore wrist, and at this time, he looked at the real body of the spirit behind him, and just wanted to say something.

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