Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

    When 4 million came out, everyone at the scene felt that there would be no more.

    After the host said it twice, he suddenly stopped because someone directly mentioned "six million."

    An item that originally only cost about two million was increased to six million, and everyone was a little curious about who it was.

    Jing Cen frowned just as he was about to continue fighting with the bidder, when something held his hand.

    "No need."

    "Don't add it."

    Ji Hui's tone was light. Six million things were completely worthless, so there was no need to argue with others.

    He looked casual and stopped Jing Cen.

    Jing Cen frowned: "But..."

    However, his hand was quickly pressed down.

    The previous host saw that no one was following the film, and stopped quickly after reciting it three times.

    "Six million once."

    "Six million twice."

    "Six million three times, the deal!"

    After the last sentence fell, the ownership of Yanghunxiang was finally decided, and the bidders present did not consciously follow relieved.

    Ji Hui pursed his lips, turned his head to look at Jing Cen, and looked a little strange. He didn't take pictures, what is this man doing so angry?

    The protagonist has a bad temper and is easy to buy things?


    Seeing Jing Cen holding the sign with a dark face, Ji Hui reached out and patted his shoulder.

    "Young people, don't be so angry."

    Xie Jin, who was witnessing everything next to him, almost laughed. He coughed and added: "There are good things in the

    back." Hearing that there may be things that Lingling likes in the back, Jing Cen frowned. Just loosened up a bit.

    But just as he was about to say something, he suddenly paused, thinking of the feeling of pressing down on his arm just now.

    Is that—the hand of the spirit behind it?

    His hand turned out to be this kind of touch, it was icy cold, and it didn't seem so scary?

    Jing Cen's face changed a bit, and he sat up indistinctly. He didn't know that the spirit behind him didn't look at him at all.

    Ji Hui raised his eyebrows and glanced aside.

    I don't know if he thought too much.

    He always felt a little familiar with the man he raised the price for.

    It's him?

    Ji Hui was thoughtful in his heart.

    Forget it, it was over anyway, he took his eyes back and looked ahead.

    The next time the statue he asked for appeared.

    Ji Hui looked at the list and remembered that it should be after the second game.

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