Chapter 66

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Chapter 66

    The violent action of the abyss stopped. If there was a human entity, it would definitely see its shocked expression, but now no one is paying attention to its mood.

    After a wave of provocation, Ji Hui took a deep breath and knew that it was time to end.

    He curled the corners of his lips, and finally spent all his energy to absorb it.

    There were vague ravings in the mouth of the abyss, like a demon roaring in his ears, sometimes sharp and sometimes crazy.

    All this does not affect their absorption.

    When the abyss knew that it was being calculated, it was too late, and could only watch helplessly as the hateful humans on the ground drain their energy.

    It struggled frantically, and suddenly thought of something at this time. Want to hit the barrier of this world, through the world barrier to repel the hateful little human below, the decision of the abyss is very decisive.

    However, it did not expect that at the beginning, even the world barrier was calculated, and its crazy impact did not bring anything.

    Just make yourself more miserable.

    Xie Qi and Jing Cen maintained the formation. Ji Hui didn't know when blood began to drip from his wedding dress. He had absorbed too much of the origin of the abyss in his mind.

    The chaotic ravings lingered in the ears, and the blood seemed to swell.

    However, he still insisted on standing there and absorbed it with a smile.

    At this time, no one will back down. This is a game of life and death.

    The abyss sees struggling, but the promoted sanity allows it to elevate the madness and chaos to the highest level, making the human who absorbed his energy also go mad and die.

    The tables and chairs in the villa have been broken to the ground, the flowers that were just inserted this morning fell to the ground, and the water bottle flowed down the floor.

    There was more and more blood on Ji Hui's lips, and Jiang Yuhan was no exception. Because of the other party, he kept his sobriety. With the last trace of energy, Ji Hui smiled, and there seemed to be a roar in his ears.

    He watched the blood-red eyes in front of him become more and more swollen and bigger, but there was not much of the original source left in it.

    With just one tap, this terrifying eye will disappear.

    He took a deep breath and held Jiang Yuhan's hand back, absorbing the last trace of energy suddenly.

    As the last energy disappeared, the blood-red eyes that swelled to the extreme began to become illusory.

    The madness and chaos in it is still there, but there is no energy to supply.

    Like the lowest of ghosts.

    Ji Hui let go of his hand, his throat rolled, trying to suppress himself.

    Jiang Yuhan knew what he meant, and at this time he took out a saber with evil spirits from his body.

    His eyes were cold, looking at the sky like a dead thing, at this time he held the knife and slashed at that eye.

    That eye seemed to be completely awake at the last moment, but with no energy, it could only watch the knife slash towards itself in horror.

    Those are the ants that it has never paid attention to, but now the ants have ended it with a knife.

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