Chapter 2

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(Sasha first because I said so)

Sasha groaned as she sat up. The feeling of falling through the air after being jerked out of your dimension was one that she was glad she barely remembered from before, and she was dismayed to experience it again.

"Hey! What's that? " A voice shouted behind her.

Great. Toad guards. Another thing she had forgotten. It had been 10 years, she may have once been well know at toad tower, but a lot had changed since then.

In mere seconds she was surrounded, she slowly stood up, taking in her surroundings. One of the toads jabbed a spear in her direction.

"What are you?! "

"Take me to your commander. " Sasha said, mustering the most confident voice she could.

"You didn't answer my question. "

"I said take me to your commander. I feel like those are basic instructions you're trained to follow, are they not? " Sasha snapped.

"Commander Grime has better things to be doing than associating with you. But sure, I'll take you somewhere, and maybe. If you're lucky. He'll be ready to see you. In a few days. "

Sasha rolled her eyes but allowed herself to be taken back to the dingy dungeon she had spent all too much time in.

"Do I have the pleasure of knowing who I'm speaking with? " Sasha asked, allowing her words to drop with sarcasm to emphasize her false respect.

"Lieutenant Birchley. Second in command to Commander Grime. If he's too busy to deal with a creature like you, then it'll be up to me. " Birchley smirked, locking the cell with a loud click.

Sasha sighed and sat against the wall, studying the wear it had gotten over the years, she ran her finger over a mark she knew well, one that she had left behind.

Sasha laughed a bit, "I guess that's still there. Didn't realize I left such a permanent mark here," She said, gesturing to the Sasha wuz here carved into the wall.

Birchley either didn't hear her, or didn't care. He just stood guard by the door, eyes flicking over to the window every so often. Finally, another toad came and whispered something in his ear. He grinned and ordered the other toad to stand guard while he ran off.

"Commander Grime! I see you've returned from Wartwood. I really hate to bother you but there was this creature we found out side and it asked to see you. It'll just take a second and then I can deal with..." Birchley seemed to be talking to Grime, somewhere down the hallway, out of sight and away from Sasha.

Sasha watched as the shadows outside of the doorway grew closer, and the other toad standing guard stepped aside as Grime entered the room. He stared at the bars for a second, as if doubting it was real.

"Hey, Grimesey. Long time no see. Shame we're meeting under the same circumstances of me on one side of these bars but-"

"Sasha? " Grime asked, "Sasha, it's really you!"

He grabbed the, key and quickly unlocked the cell, rushing in and tightly hugging Sasha.

"I thought I'd never see you again! How are you here? " He asked, letting go of Sasha and staring at her.

"It's a long story. Boonchuy found a copy of the box, your guards threw me in here. I don't think he likes me very much. " Sasha said, jerking her head over to a very confused Birchley.

"Commander Grime, uh- Pardon me, but I am very confused right now? " Birchley sputtered, looking back and forth between Sasha and Grime.

"I'm sure you've heard rumors that years ago a few humans were trapped here for a while. One of them was my lieutenant, and the strongest warrior in all of Amphibia. By some miracle, she's back, go tell the chefs to prepare a feast. We will celebrate her return. "

Birchley saluted and quickly left the room. Sasha watched him go with a smirk. It felt good knowing he couldn't treat her like dirt any more.

"Hey, uh, Grime? " Sasha asked, suddenly remembering something, "Did you ever find Percy and Braddock? "

"As a matter of fact, I did! They were hiding out somewhere across Amphibia where Andrias and his robots hadn't found them. I told them all about you turning over a new leaf and they forgave you and wished they had been there to help you fight. They still work here too! Braddock tends to a garden that provides a lot of out food and Percy helps raise their kids. "

"They have kids?! Are they here right now can we go see them? " Sasha asked excitedly.

"I'll lead the way. " Grime said.

As they walked, Sasha couldn't help but ask about what Birchley had said about Grime being in Wartwood.

"So, Grimesey. I heard Birchley say something about you being in Wartwood, was something happening there? " Sasha asked.

"Oh- Uh. I may or may not. Have a thing going on with... Hop Pop.. " Grime said quietly.

"What?! Oh my god didn't you try to kill him? Enemies to lovers Marcy would love this. "


Grimepop for life 🤭

I want this book to get more reads so yes I'm updating again

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