Chapter 4

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Anne sat up slowly, trying to take in her surroundings and figure out where she was. She was on the floor of a forest, a familiar earthy smell hung in the humid air and bug noises echoed around her.

She's back.

Anne stood up quickly, snatching the box close to her chest and trying to remember which direction the Plantar's house was, though her memory probably wasn't very reliable anymore.

Panic spiked through her chest as she saw the setting sun in the distance. Amphibia was pretty dangerous during the day, but it was even more dangerous at night.

Something swooped over her head and she heard rustling in the leaves. Anne didn't stay to find out what it was, she ran in the opposite direction, not stopping until she broke through the trees and made it out of the woods.

Anne covered her mouth and almost cried from relief. She had made it to the woods around the Plantar's house, she could see it, just as she remembered. She walked around the house until she reached the front, trying to see if any lights were on to indicate the Plantar's were home.

One light was on, in the living room, it would probably turn off soon when they noticed it was getting dark and might attract bugs. In the dim light Anne could see a sign.

Hop Pop's California Avocados

She smiled, walking up to the front door and taking a deep breath before knocking. She could hear someone inside, and after a few seconds the door opened.

Anne stared at the pink frog in front of her.

Sprig stared at the human girl in front of him.

"Sprig, close the door will ya? You're going to attract bugs. Who's even there?" Hop Pop called.

"Hi, Sprig. " Anne said quietly.

"Anne? Is that really you? I thought- The box-" Sprig sputtered.

"What are you jabbering about? " Hop Pop asked, standing up and walking to the door, "Anne? "

"Hi? " Anne waved.

Sprig hugged her tightly, only releasing her to pull her inside so she wouldn't attract bugs.

"You look so different! Super similar but at the same time so different! " Sprig ranted.

Meanwhile Hop Pop hugged her but was more confused than anything.

"I don't understand? Didn't the box get destroyed? " Hop Pop asked.

"Yeah. It's like. A long story. A lot of confusing stuff involved. Long story short. I really missed you guys. I had an opportunity to see you again. So I took it. " Anne summarized.

"So.. You're Anne? " A quiet voice asked.

Anne turned to see an unfamiliar frog wearing a familiar bow.

"Polly? Man, you've grown. Do you still remember me? " Anne asked.

"So you are Anne! I was a baby when you were in Amphibia so I really can't remember much, but you do look kinda like I remembered! " Polly said excitedly.

"Yeah, I guess I probably should have expected you wouldn't remember me. Have you gotten closer to taking over the world?" Anne asked.

Polly sighed, "Only in my dreams, most people refuse to take me seriously because I'm small for my age, but Olivia and Yunan visit sometimes and they tell me I have a pretty bright future. "

"Are you kidding? If you're anything like I remember you are an absolute genius when it came to robots, and I only knew you as a baby. " Anne said in disbelief.

Sprig watched as Anne raised Polly's self esteem in seconds, when normally Polly felt down all the time about not being taken seriously.

Hop Pop only smiled, seeing that Anne hadn't changed a bit. She had changed. She had grown and matured. But she still perfectly summarized the role of Heart in the Calamity Box.


Currently sobbing rn/srs

My dads trading in the phone i have rn (its not technically mine it's his and I share it with my little sister)

And I'm with my grandma until mid August


No phone for me

So that means this is gonna be the last update for a while

Maybe indefinitely

Because my dad is sh!t

And I don't even know if I'll get a phone

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2022 ⏰

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