4.) Spark

711 30 13

Peter POV

The weekend went by really slowly. My head has been spinning with questions the whole time. But now I'm at school, and I have to talk to her.

What am I going to say? How do you start a conversation? Ugh I hate socializing.

It's Spanish class and it's the first of three classes I have with Y/N besides lunch.

Her seat is on the table next to mine, if she wasn't so scary we probably would've talked more.

The teacher writes a sentence on the board in English, then asks who would like to translate it. He looks around and sees Y/N, who is doodling and doesn't seem to be paying attention, so the teacher calls on her.

She looks up from her notebook and quickly scans the sentence before saying, "La casa en la esquina es roja."

"Muy bien, señorita Addams." Responds the teacher.

Y/N puts her head back down and continues doodling.

I lean over and whisper to her, "How did you know that?"

"I have no friends and I have no life, so for a while I studied languages." She says, not looking up from her notebook.

"How many others do you know?"

"Besides English? Spanish, Sokovian and Russian." She responds.

"Holy shit, that- that's so cool."

She looks up for the first time and gives me a half smile. I've never seen her smile before, and wow, she has a pretty smile.

When class is over and she stands up, I notice she's wearing a Green Day shirt. I swing my backpack over my shoulder and as she starts to walk out of the classroom I catch up to her and say, "You like Green Day?" while motioning to her shirt.

"Uh yeah," she says, "you?"

"It's one of my favorites." I say, smiling.

We talk a bit more as we walk to our technological engineering class. I found out that she also likes Star Wars, and she plays the guitar. Also that her favorite video game is Uncharted.

We get to tech and sit next to each other. The teacher ends up assigning a group project where we have to work with the person at our table.

"So uh where do you wanna work on this?" She asks.

"Umm, my place? If you're good with that?"

"Yeah sure, MJ would probably bother us if we went to my place."

"So I'll meet you infront of the library? We can walk to my place it's only a few minutes away." I say.

"Yeah sure, sounds good."

After that we go our separate ways to our next class.


The next class I have is math, which I suck at. I find my seat and barely even pay attention to whatever the teacher is saying. I find myself thinking about someone I never thought I would be thinking about: Peter Parker.

I've never had a friend before, not untill I met MJ.
Peter is actually nice, he doesn't avoid me, or call me names like everyone else does. Maybe-

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when the bell rings which means it's time for lunch. I pick up my backpack and walk down the hallway to my locker.

I put on my headphones and put in my locker combo, I put my books away and get out my thintreegs for the next few classes and shove them in the backpack.

I go to the cafeteria and grab my food. I look around the cafeteria and see MJ, Ned, and Peter sitting at a table.
I talke my tray and sit down next to the curly haired boy.

"Hey Pete," I say as I sit next to him. "MJ, Ned." I greet each of them.

MJ gives me a look that I can't explain. "When did you guys start talking?" She asks.

"Oh yeah uh, Y/N and I have a project together for tech class. " Answers Peter.

"That reminds me, can you tell Dad I'll be at Peter's today to work on the project?" I ask MJ.


The school day ends and I go to the library with MJ and we sit in our usual spot on the bean bags in the back of the library where it's quietest.

"So uh, what's with you and Peter?" MJ asks me.


"You never- you never open up or anything. You never talk around other people. The most you ever talk is with me at home. You barely even talk to Dad. And all of a sudden you come to lunch and sit next to Peter and you're happy and- I'm just curious to why, how. " she gives me the same look she gave me at lunch.

"Well uh, Peter and I, we started talking after Spanish class. He's actually really nice and we have a lot in common. He's- he's just one of the only people to treat me, normal? I guess."

She just nods.

I check the time, "Oh, I gotta get going, Peter is waiting outside."

"Have fun." MJ says as I pick up my things.

I go outside and see Peter sitting on the gravel steps watching something on his phone. I walk up behind him and say, "Are we going?"

For some reason this startles him and his head whips up from his phone. "Uh yeah." He says as he gets up.

About 15 minutes later we get to his apartment he says hi to a pretty lady who I'm guessing is his aunt then leads me to his room.

We are sitting on his bed with notebooks, pens, pencils and erasers around us.

"So what do you want to make for this project?" Asks Peter.

"I don't know. It has to be something with light because the whole lesson is about how to wire that kind of stuff."

He nods thoughtfully.

"A projector? We could project a short movie for the presentation." He offers.

We keep brainstorming ideas and running them by each other for another five minutes. I look around his room and see a The Empire Strikes Back poster on his wall, which gives me and idea.

"A lightsaber." I mumble.


"A lightsaber." I say, "We could build a real working lightsaber."

We agreed and then started working on the blueprint. Peter doing the measurements and me doing the design.

I'm drawing the design on the handle when my pencil snaps. It made an extra mark on the paper so I grab an eraser and start eraseing while reaching out beside me to grab another pencil.

Peter POV

My pencil is out. It's all the way down to the nub now and there is no way to sharpen it. Curse me for wanting to use the tiny pencil. Still looking at the numbers on my paper, I reach over to grab a pencil. My fingers touch the pencil, and another hand brushes against mine.

It was a small touch, barely anything at all. It could mean nothing. But it could have been like flint and steel....

Just enough to ignite a spark.

Author note

I'm sorry this is late I'm moving into the new house but that's no excuse.

Anyway I hope you liked this chapter!

Please dont forget to vote and comment!


The Spider and the Psychopath [Peter Parker X Fem! reader] ((DISCONTINUED SORRY)Where stories live. Discover now