7.) New Villian

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Peter POV

I didn't know what to say to that. I- to he honest, I don't know what I was expecting.

Luckily for me the door swung open and there stiod Mr. Harrington with a dissapointment look on his face. "Kids, what are you doing here, get to class."

Y/N and I stood up and went to our separate classes. We kind of avoided each other the rest of the day, and all day I was thinking about what she said, her words kept repeating in my head, over and over again. 'Everytime I hurt sombody, there- there's a part of me........theres a part of me that likes it.'

'There's a part of me that likes it.'

Towards the end of the day, I see Y/N leave school. Maybe she didn't feel good? Maybe she got mad again and wanted to leave before she burns something? I brused it off and continued listening to the teacher.

School is over for the day, so I grab my stuff and go outside when I get a phone call.

"Hey, Mr.Stark"

"Hi, kid."
"Look, I need your help."

"Sure, what do you need?"

"So, someone broke into the tower, I need you to suit up and get over here, half the team's off the grid so we're short on backup."

"Oh, ok. Yeah I'll be there in a few minutes."

I hang up and run to the nearest alley to get changed.

I arrive at Stakr tower and bust through the window where I see the team fighting. By the team I mean Ironman and Black Widow.

I see a girl running around fighting the Avengers with guns. She's wearing a black suit with a hood and a mask similar to Mr.Bucky's.

"Kid, see the book she's holding?" Mr

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"Kid, see the book she's holding?" Mr. Stark asks me. Sure enough she's clutching and old leather book under her arm.

I try to web the book but she moves away and shoots at Tony but he blocks the bullets with his armor. She tries to shoot again but her pistol is out of bullets. I try to web her up but she dodges the webs and ducks behind a shelf. A second later she comes back out and starts firing at everyone, hitting Natasha in the leg.

Natasha runsbut limps a bit over to her and kicks the girl behind the knee, making her fall to the ground. Natasha grabs her in a choke hold but the girl flips Nat over her head, making her land on her back. She pins Nat on the floor, straddling over her, one hand holding down Nats arm, the other one at her throat.

Natasha knees the girl in the stomach. She takes advantage of the girls pain to push her off. Natasha is about to grab the book but the girl recovers quickly and grabs it then starts running, we chase after her.

I get close enough to her to punch her but she dodges it, grabs my wrist and pulls my arm behind my back, not enough for it to hurt though. She wraps her other arm around my neck and whispers in my ear "sorry about earlier, Spidey"

The voice sounded familiar, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I kind of just stand there dumbfounded as she makes a run for it, we're on the roof now, Natasha and Tony still on one of the lower floors. I start to wonder why she's such a threat for them to need me here. Just then the girl answers my question for me. I see her eyes glow a familiar firey red as she makes a gesture with her hands and a ten foot tall wall of fire forms between us. That's when it clicks.


Mr.Stark and Natasha come up behind me. "Where'd she go?" Tony asks.

"Maybe the other side of the roof, dumbass" Natasha responds.

Tony uses one of his suit gadgets to put out some of the fire for us to get through. I run ahead of the other two to see Y/N standing on the edge of the roof, worn leather book clutched in one hand.

We all kind of just stand there for some reason, waiting for her next move. She wouldn't jump would she? We're 1,130 feet up, she wouldn't jump.

She tilts her head a bit as if she's wondering why we're just standing. Then she flips us the bird and jumps.

She jumped from the 93rd story of Stark Tower.

I watch as she falls, she was so confident about it. Maybe she has a plan for landing?

Shes about halfway down when I see her struggling to push a button, she must've haf a parachute or something, but it's not working.

I take a quick look back to Mr.Stark and Ms. Romanoff on the other side of the roof. Then I jump after Y/N.

Tony POV

I see the kid jump off the roof as well, a few seconds later he webs another building and swings towards it. He's holding onto someone, the girl who just broke into the tower?

Why? Who is she? I know that kid is too nice for his own good but what if he hurts him?

Peter POV

I'm swinging from building to building, holding Y/N with one arm. She's been quiet for a bit but all of a sudden she starts hyperventilating, like she's been running for her life, well technically she was. But just a minute ago she was so confident and stoic about it.

I finally reach a building far enough and land on the roof. I set her down and gently put my hands on her shoulders.

"Hey, hey, It's me. Breathe. You're ok." I say, trying to calm her down. She's still hyperventilating. Dropping the book, she quickly takes off her hood and her mask, revealing her face and confirming my suspicions.

There are a few tears falling down her cheeks, I wipe them away with my gloved thumb.

"You're safe here, breathe. Come on, do it with me" I say, she nods I take a deep breath in, and out. She follows my lead as we repeat this a few times.

She sits down on the floor and I sit in front of her, taking my mask off as well, knowing this place is well hidden from view.

"So why don't you tell me what happened Y/N."

Author note

Ooh cliffhanger~

Sorry it's been so long since I've updated. I just started school and it's been really stressful. I will try to write more in my free time though!

Hope you liked it!


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