Chapter 1*Whos the hot guy? Oh,him-thats our teacher!

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Sapphires POV~


I walked into my science class with my textbooks in hand. Will was watching me with amusement in his eyes. I rolled mine back and he smirked. Then I wobbled and dropped my text books. The bell rang and i squatted down to pick them up. By now Will was snickering in his seat. Everybody came rushing in, dodging to get to the back. Because we all hate him. And by HIM i mean the one and only Mr.Maraculus (pronounced= Mar-rack- u-lus) He was the most devil of a teacher who gave pop quizes everyday out of the blue,see science wasnt my best subject during my school years. We all hated him because he was also soooooo strict.I looked around to find a seat in the far back but everyone else took my seats. The only one left was the middle front!! " OMFG!" i muttered to myself as i took the empty seat. The teachers bell rang momentarily and that was the teachers signal to stop dry humping each other in the teachers lounge and come into classes. I closed my eyes to hear the door open and when the door closed i opened my eyes to reveal and hot teacher!! He had brown tousled hair and soft caramel eyes that just made you melt as you looked into them. I moaned as i admired his body,He wore a bby blue tux and a loose tie around his clean-shaven neck and and black trousers that showed his leg muscles perfectly.I looked back at his chest and realized that he had a fully-grown six pack.they looked as hard as rock as he moved his way to the front of the class. "Hello Class. Im Mr.Jacob" He shot a glance at me and i blushed like mad.....

Lunch came as slow as ever....

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