Chapter 8~ An Emo has the hots for me!!! WTF

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I dont exactly know how long its gonna be but i feel so bad i haven't uploaded in a month or so..


Sapphire Point of View-

School was different today,boys actually looked at me,girls Actually glared at me and finally Eric caved in on class,stuttering on a word when i winked at him in class,quite the scene,might I add..

I'm walking into lunch with my friends,chatting about the day and how we wished it would be ending soon; until a blue streaked emo haired guy bumped into me putting a paper in my tray,oh what a joy a emo has the hots for me..  > < i realized that he didn't when i UN-raveled the note,reading it out loud to everyone of my friends under the tree at out lunch spot.


I know we've had a bad start to our school week but please,if you don't mind,take a stroll to my classroom  at exactly 3:30,thank you.

Yours Truly, 

Mr. -----


A/n-(I forgot his last name ..lmao)

so it was set,at 3:30 i would be going to my death,well not exactly but close to it. more like the devils room,yeah that's it. Last period was coming to an end soon and i would have to wait around abit till i go to Eric's room.

The bell rang and i made my way to the library to get a few new im a BIG book nerd(^^) 

so i sat in there for a while until 2:55 i couldn't wait any longer, crouched up in a plastic library chair for the past half an hour isn't very uncomfortable -hm?

I stopped by his door when i heard yell/whispering from the inside-

"no dammit shes not here why would i be talking about her if shes here?!"

"moron yes, i just fake/sent her a note so i could talk about the other night"

"do you love her-PFT i like her, a lot dude i would probably kill myself just for her!"

"Her names Sapphire not Paprika-where the fruck did u get that from?!"

i gasped at Eric talking about me! with his friends to! i knew i shouldn't have done that because next thing i heard was-"OOPS GOTTA GO! A LITTLE SNEAK IS AT MY DOOR!" and the  phone was clicked and the door opened revealing a stressed out looking Eric.. his hair was tousled-probably from running his hands through it too many times,his shirt was slightly unbuttoned meaning he was hot ( sweating ) and he just looked it too.

"well well well,how much of my conversation did you hear,Ms.Weathers?" he said smirking at my paled out face from getting caught-"not much jut heard my name" i answered looking at my toes.

"Alright well lets get into this discussion shall we ?" 

"Lets go"

we sat there an went through everything-that that night never happened and we weren't to say ANYTHING about it; for some crazy reason my heart pricked when he said-"it meant nothing"  but i shrugged it off. 

a/n ((i really dont know what to write and i wanna go to sleep)) :)

hope that was good enough becasue i knowwwwww i havent uploaded in a while and i have to dedicate this to my 50th fan when i get this through..

i will try again to do somethin else but no promises..



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