Chapter 3

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Sorry i havent uploaded!!


I surpressed a blush as he walked in front of me..

"oh I'm srry Mr.Jacob"I said pulling a strand of my brown hair back into my mess of a hair.

He chuckled , "Its quite alright, Ms.Weathers" ?He took his food and i couldnt help myself but to stare at his perfect inperfections... Like when he chuckled; the dimples shone out, making him look hotter.

Or when he walked around classs with his tight-ass clothes, showing his muscles.

It was a shame really, hes probally with some- wait WTH? hes a friggin teacher?!!??!

UGh hes making me thinks thouhts that were WAYY outta my leauge!! : P

"Uhm Ms.Weathers do u mind helping me out with something in the classroom?" Mr.Jacob said, pulling me out of my WEIRD thoughts..

"sure,why not?"

As we approuched the room, i began to feel sudden nervousness , i dnt exactly kno why but i just did.

"Here we go." Mr.Jacob said, jinggling the keys as we walked in .

"Haha" I managed to say as i felt a cool breez hit me -full-force.

"Jeez,its cold ," I muttered

"Sorry." Mr.Jacob Muttered before leading us into the supply room,

"Clean theese." he pointed to a huge pile of beackers and measuring cups and tools.

"But,I have English next period!" I pouted.,,, Humfh, i wonder why i feel so comfrontable with my words around him ..

"Ill tell Mr.Harris why u werent there. Its alright" He said quickly.

"Ok, But dont u have a clas?" I asked

"No i have free period," He responed

"Ill be in here if u need anything."



So boring i know but i just had to post to let u kno i ddnt die or something.. lol

Gee~ <3

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