Cahpter 11* Bipolar Much?

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Thanksgiving soon!

Sorry it has been 2 weeks! 

Im listening to Katy Perry at the same time! SORRYY IM OBSESSED! Went to her concert ><


 Chapter 11*


I woke up and didn’t want to go to school. Today was going to be the day for cheerleading audition outcomes. 

I had made my mom call in sick for me and I had stayed in bed all day until she left for work.Dad was already at work. 

My phone rang as I was about to go down stairs for a bite to eat that was until my phone rang.

Becca calling. It said as I reached for it

“Hey Be-” I was saying until she cut me off “SAPPHIRE WHERE ON EARTH ARE YOU?!” she screamed as I pulled to phone away slightly “Becca, I didn’t feel like going why?”  “Because, Because , Because now im all alone except for Will  Mr.J is in a baddddddddddd moodddddd! He started for roll call all fine but then as he was done he was so angry. Bipolarrr much?”

I sshook my head and we talked about what i missed .. not much 

and then as we heard the bell she bid a farwell to me and hung up. 

"Ugh" I said as i plopped myself on the chair. today was going to be really boring.

I took the remote and started looking for a film

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2011 ⏰

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