Special Chapter#1:info I

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Name:Y/n Haitani


Image color:Violet


Dislike:anything cheap, ugly and pathetic

Special skill:scheming to get what she wants with a 100% chance guarantee/gun shooting

Respected/admired person:Izana Kurokawa ♡

Disliked/feared person:Hanma Shuji, Haitani Ran, Their dad,

Dream:be a socialite who's living the most luxurious life

Favourite spot:the shopping centre of Shibuya, shinjiku and roppongi and Ran's room and Izana's place

Heroic Failure Story:I always accidentally called the guy I was on a date with, Hajime, when I was talking about the new products that Channel launch that season. It was a shame, he was pretty cute and was also a son of a rich politician☹️. I hit Hajime simultaneously for being stuck in my head while on my date and ruined my chance with him after that date ended.

Dailly activity:I always wake up atleast three hours before class start to get ready, and I'm always the first one to wake up. So when I see that Rin haven't clean the living room after the party, I would always pick all of the trash and shove all of it into Rin's bedroom before going to school.

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