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(The next day)

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(The next day)

The guys were up and awake, Izana and Kaku were making breakfast, Sanzu was sat in the living room with his phone, Koko watching TV. Mikey was in his office making phone calls. Rindou made his way over to Rumi's room, slowly opening the door, a small smile spread across his face. He walked over to a sleeping Rumi, he gently poked her cheeks.

"Mhmm..." Rumi let out a little groan as she made movements, earning a chuckle from Rindou

"Wake up, princess." Rindou said softly as he leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, Rumi slowly fluttered her eyes open

"Rin-nii-chan....Rumi isn't going school...can I sleep some more...?" Rumi pouted as she looked at Rindou. He smiled down at her

"You can sleep, but don't you want breakfast?" Rindou asked softly as he gently stroked her hair, Rumi pouted

"Can Rumi eat her breakfast here? I don't want to get out...it's too cold..." Rumi asked as she held Rindou's hand, Rindou giggled

"Aish....alright...sit here and I'll grab your breakfast for you." Rindou stated as he ruffled her hair gently, earning a big smile from Rumi

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