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"Now that that is settled

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"Now that that is settled. Zhang did you check the contents of the three packets Koko gave you?" Mikey now asked, with everyone's focus shifting to Zhang

"I did." He nodded

"Well? What did you find?" Mikey asked, Zhang just let out a sigh, which the attention of the guys

"That doesn't sound like a good sigh man" Rindou said as he stared at Zhang

"It isn't, the contents of that pack are poison" Zhang said, the guys stared at him in shock

"What type of poison?" Sanzu asked

"It's a poison called "ControlX". Zhang said loud and clear, Sanzu clicked his tongue

"What's with all these X's?! Have they ran out of letters or something?" Sanzu rolled his eyes in annoyance

"Continue" Mikey nodded

"I don't know much about this poison but my supervisor did tell me this before, when I was working in the toxicology lab for my PhD. I need you all to listen carefully" Zhang's voice was very serious as he looked at everyone, wanting their full attention

"ControlX is a brain altering poison that is nasty. Even trace amounts can have hefty effects on the brain and the body aswell. Those that have it introduced into their system are unable to think for themselves, they lose that ability. Which makes it easier for them to be controlled, scientists have been caught using it hence it got destroyed and banned." Zhang explained carefully

"Once it's in the body, it can never be removed, it completely takes over the person's brain causing  them to essentially become puppets. Their memories get affects and I heard that individuals can sometimes completely lose their memories, they sometimes don't even know the meaning of basic English words. That's what happened after the modified version was manufactured."

"Before, ControlX was a drug used to help with anxiety and panic attacks. But when scientists found out how it worked, well, those greedy f*cks messed with it and hence it's modified version."

"Since those crates contained the modified version then, that woman is real danger, who knows how far into these experiments she's been pushed into. We need to get her out" Zhang explained.

The guys all listened to him in shock. This was a complete turn or events, Rindou's chest suddenly tightened as he thought about what this woman was going through, Ran looked over and noticed the expression that sat in his younger brother's face. Rindou then immediately got up and left the room.

"What's wrong with Rindou?" Chang asked, the guys all looked at each other

"The name Y/n is somehow familiar to Rindou, and that has been bugging him for some time now, but his memory isn't getting him anywhere." Ran explained, Zhang and Chang's eyes widened

"Just give him some time" Zhang said






(With Rindou)

Rindou needed a breather so he left the room, the pain his chest was surprisingly getting bigger and he didn't know why, he wants to figure out why this name feels so familiar to him but his memory is getting him anywhere. Rindou was walking back to his room.

"Rin, promise me that you won't ever leave me?"

"Of course I promise,"

"Then promise me that you'll marry me in the future, we will live in a big house and have kids that will call us mama and papa"

"I promise.... Y/n"

Rindou immediately clutched his head in pain, as he fell to his knees, he gritted his teeth in pain as a tear escaped his eye. His breathing was shaky as he pain in his head was too much for him.

"F*ck...F*ck...F*ck...!!" Rindou gritted his teeth his pain.

"Why does it hurt so much...?!" Rindou groaned in pain as he tried to get up. He did and he made his way over to his room.

Rindou grabbed a glass of water and chugged it down, he loosened his tie and yanked it off, throwing it on the floor, he then sat down in the corner of his bed and flopped back on his bed. He stared at the ceiling. Another tear escaped his eye.

"F*ck...Y/n...it was you from when I was young...what the hell happened to our promise...?" Rindou's voice trailed off as he stared at the ceiling. His chest hurting because he really had forgotten you.

"Is that you at the lab then...?" Rindou'a voice was barely audible, he covered his mouth as he sat back up, he thought about it now

"Ran did say he didn't see the woman's face...so there is a chance it wasn't her..." Rindou mumbled

"But...what if the woman we have been searching for is my Y/n....what if she is really is hurt...f*ck!!" Rindou's eyes widened as he got up and stormed out, only to bump into something, he rubbed his forehead in pain

"Woh, Rin, bro are you okay?" Ran asked as he rubbed his forehead in pain too. Rindou's eyes widened

"Ran....I know why that name felt so familiar to me... Y/n was my childhood friend...no, she was my best friend...and now...what if she's hurt? What if she is the one we've been looking for, what if she's the one who Uno is after?!" Rindou panicked as he gritted his teeth, Ran's eyes widened in horror as he stared at his brother, his memory now coming back

"Y/n? little Y/n?" Ran asked as he stared at Rindou, he nodded

"But didn't Y/n have....that though. Rindou, Y/n wouldn't have survived until now....you do remember right? Ran's voice trailed off as he stared at his brother, who's eyes widened in horror now

"Huh?" Rindou's voice trailed off as he stared at Ran

"What...do you mean...?" Rindou said in shock not wanting to believe what he was hearing

"Y/n was diagnosed with cancer...." Ran's voice shook as he stared at Rindou. Rindou's heart dropped at those words

"Y/n.... had cancer...?" Rindou's voice trailed off as he stared in horror at Ran

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