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The guys all looked at Rindou, Izana nodded as he pointed to the dining room

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The guys all looked at Rindou, Izana nodded as he pointed to the dining room. Rindou looked back at you, he gently grabbed a hold of your hand and brought you over to the dining room. Since the guys knew you needed privacy, they all stayed behind in the living room.

Rindou brought you over and sat you down, you looked around in silence as you observed your surroundings. Rindou sat down besides you, he placed some food on your plate, filled your glass with juice. However, you just stared at the plate, just looking at it. Rindou wondered why you weren't eating, he gently stroked your hair.

"Let me feed you" Rindou said softly. He picked up the spoon and placed it near your mouth, you looked at it and then back at Rindou

"Come on, eat up" Rindou nodded as he gave you a reassuring smile. You slowly opened your mouth and took a bite, Rindou watched you carefully.

Rindou then continued to feed you, however it was after 5 spoonfuls, you pushed his hand away and shook your head, this surprised Rindou because what you had just ate wasn't nearly enough to help you regain strength, but he didn't want to stress your body out, so he just put the spoon back down. He held the glass of juice to your mouth, however you could only drink about half. Rindou gently wiped the corner of your mouth, you weren't much of a talker, you just stayed quiet and observed.

(Outside in the corridor)

Sanzu, and Koko were peeking through the door, like your first meeting with them didn't go well, especially for them, because, well, you started throwing stuff at them for no reason. Sanzu was still pissed that you threw his gun out the window.

''He's taking care of her just like a little baby....'' Sanzu mumbled as he stared through the gap, Koko looked up at him

''I mean I don't blame him, she looks very weakened out and she's still frightened of us...she seems comfortable with Rin because he saved her'' Koko answered back as he stared at you and Rindou through the gap

''I don't like her though, she hurt my little baby...'' Sanzu pouted as he rolled his eyes, Koko sighed

''Dude, you have your other baby, stop being childish'' Koko scoffed as he punched his side jokingly, Sanzu smacked his head

''Also, Mikey, what are you doing here?'' Sanzu now spoke up as he looked to the side, where Mikey was standing staring through the gap too

''My dorayaki is on that plate. I need it'' Mikey said as he continued his intense stare at the plate, Sanzu and Koko sweat dropped

''I don't know if Rindou is going to give it to her, but I need it'' Mikey added as his intense gaze did not falter, Sanzu and Koko glanced between each other.

(Back inside in the dining room)

You were staring at a particular item of food that was placed on the plate, you slowly moved your hand and touched it, you quickly pulled your hand away and shook your head. Rindou was observing your every move, trying to understand how you were thinking.

''Do you wanna get some rest?'' Rindou asked softly, you looked at him, but you didn't say anything.

Rindou then placed his two hands together and pretend to go to sleep to make it easier for you to understand. You then copied him, he let out a chuckle. Rindou then bopped your nose, you looked down at your nose and back to Rindou, you then copied him and did the same. A small smile on your face.

Rindou then helped you up and took you back to the guest room, he walked through the living room, whilst you were stuck to him like glue, you didn't want to look at anyone, so you tightened your grip on his shirt, Rindou felt this and knew you were really uncomfortable. He made it to the guest room, he helped you lay down, he was about to leave, when he felt his hand being grabbed.

''Don't go'' You said finally, it sounded quite desperate, Rindou's eyes widened as he stared at you. He didn't think you talked but hearing your voice for the first time, Rindou's heart was racing.

''You spoke?'' Rindou said as he smiled down at you, he sat down besides you and gently cupped your face, his thumbs gently caressing your cheeks, you held his hand not wanting to let go.

''I'm not going anywhere okay.'' Rindou reassured as he leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead.

He began to gently stroke your hair, watching over you, your eyes were getting heavier and heavier now. Rindou's touch was gentle and soothing, something you have never felt for a long time, soon after, you were fast asleep. Rindou smiled down at you, a tear escaping his eye. He then felt a hand on his shoulder, causing him to look up, Ran smiled at him

''She spoke'' Rindou said as he looked back down at you, Ran bent down besides the bed and gently stroked your hair too.

''It's a start, Rin. We gotta make sure we look after her. It's gonna take her time until she feels safe with all of us, but for now, just stay with her alright. We'll help where we can, and where Y/n can't throw Sanzu's other baby away'' Ran let out a chuckle as he shook his head, earning a chuckle from Rindou

''Sanzu knows he needs to be gentle, so don't worry, you know it's just in his nature to be stupid'' Ran rolled his eyes, Rindou smiled whilst nodding his head

''I'll leave you two alright, let us know if you need anything'' Ran said as he patted Rindou's shoulder before walking out the door








(The next day)

You fluttered your eyes open, adjusting to the light, you looked around the room, you didn't see Rindou anywhere, which startled you, you quickly sat up and looked around again only to find no one there, you quickly got up, your lips started shaking as you breathing was heavy now, warm tears flowing down your face, you ran out the room, only to bump into someone, the person caught you, protectively wrapping his arms around you. You noticed a massive scar that stretched from his head all the way down over his left eye.

''Hey, hey, are you alright?'' He asked in a soft voice as he looked at you with worry

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