two- meeting

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My two best friends, William and Paisley, are streamers as well. They both live with me. I met William right after Clay left me. He helped me through my pregnancy, he helps me keep myself together. Making sure I always take my pills, make sure I eat, and just make sure I take care of myself. I met Paisley at a daycare years ago. Her babies, Liam and Emersyn we're only a few weeks old, and Lilia was one. We were both single moms, and immediately clicked and have been friends ever since.

"Momma" I heard Lilia call for me as she walked downstairs holding her favorite duck stuffed animal, rubbing her eyes
"Oh, hey Lil" I said, standing up from the couch and walking toward her

She put her hands up for me, and I picked her up. I walked back down to the couch and set her down, and she snuggled into my side

I decided to open Twitter, and saw a dm

Seems to me you've beat
My record. Let's see how long
That'll last 😼

You seem very entitled
For someone that just lost
Their record 

Don't go there with me,

Never call me sweetheart
again. I've gtg, I have things
to do

What "things"?

A child to take care of. 
Ttyl, loser.

Dream Pov:
A child to take care of?

This brought my head back to the baby that I abandoned. They would've turned four a recently. I know absolutely nothing about the baby. I don't even know the gender. I regret the decision that I made every single day. Not only did I leave that baby, fatherless. I left the love of my life

"I know what you're think about, dude. You've gotta stop feeling so much guilt" Nick said, sitting on my bed "It was five years ago. Everyday that you continue to think about it, guilt continues to build up. You've gotta let it go"
"I left my girlfriend by herself, pregnant, and now that baby is fatherless" I said
"You did. But Aaliyah has moved on. You need to move on too" He told me, sternly

I nodded "I'll try"

Aaliyahs Pov:
"Liyah!" Liam said as he ran into the house, Paisley and Emersyn walking in behind him
"Hi precious!" I said, picking him up and hugging him
"How was the trip, Pais?" I asked, while picked up Emersyn and giving her a kiss on the forehead
"It was good, glad to be home though" she answered, flopping onto the couch

Paisley and her kids went on a trip to Los Angeles for her brother's wedding. She's absolutely exhausted considering LA is almost across the country from Orlando

"I wore pretty dress" Emersyn said, smiling at me
"Oh, you did! That's Awesome, Em" I said

I put Emersyn down and sat back down next to Lilia
"Where's William?" Paisley asked, sitting next to me
"Hes in his room, he said he planned on streaming tonight" I answered
She nodded "Okay, okay"

I laid in bed just scrolling through my phone until I got another dm from Dream


Hey, Dream

Whatcha up to?

Why are you acting.. odd?

I'm just being nice!

You seem like the guy
that's only nice to people
when he's forced to. Are you
being held hostage..?

What- no.

Good. Because I didn't
Feel like saving you ♥️

What. Okay ig

Okay. Now what's the
Real reason you texted me
Because I know you're not
Just "being nice"

Fine. Wanna stream
Among us with some
Of my friends tomorrow.
You can invite people
Because including you,
we don't have a full

So, you don't wanna be nice,
You want clout?

Yes. Exactly

...fine. I'll invite 2 of
My friends. You're lucky

Wonderful! See you


What did I just get myself into..?

I have so much that I wanna do with this story! I hope you're enjoying it so far <33

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