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Sanitysunz: streaming in ten, losers

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Sanitysunz: streaming in ten, losers. You better be there >:]

I started my stream, with the starting soon screen on. I quickly ran downstairs, grabbing a Arizona tea and ran back to my office. I took the starting soon screen off and waved frantically at my camera
"Hello, chat! We have among us today, and the lobby is gonna be so fun! So we have.. Me, William, Paisley, Pokimane, Tina, Valkyrae, Sykkuno, Dream, George, and Sapnap!" I said, reading off the discord

"I'm really excited. I've played with Poki before and obviously Will and Paisley, but nobody else. I'm gonna join the game" I said

"Sanity!" Poki said, in her adorable voice

"Hi, Poki!" I said, with the same energy
"Hi, Sanity. It's amazing to meet you" Valkyrae said
"Hi, you as well! It's great to meet all of you" I said
"Why are you so nice to them, but you're so mean to me." William asked
"I think everyones in game, we can start now" I said, avoiding the question, bringing everyone into a laughing fit as Sykkuno started the game


I ran into admin, easily doing my admin swipe, and running back out. I headed to electrical where I was killed by Dream
"Damnit" I said, watching at he killed me
"I had a feeling I'd get killed first" I laughed "oh well"

Soon enough, the victory screen popped up, Tina and Dream winning

"Good job, guys. I got killed so early! Dream, what the hell!?" I said
"I'm sorry! You were just.. there, I couldn't resist!"
"I really hope I'm imposter next round, Dream" I said
"Oh.." he replied

The next round started, and lo and behold, I was imposter, but with Dream
"Damnit, I can't kill him!" I said, faking my card swipe

Dream and I went into Navigation, and saw Tina and George
"Are we gonna double kill...?" I mumbled, and Dream killed, me immediately killing afterwards, and venting away to shields

"Okay, okay, we didn't get caught" I laughed

A few seconds the body was reported
"Where is everyone right now?" Sapnap asked, him being the one to report the body
"I'm in reactor" I lied, but nobody questioned it

Everyone said where they were
"Okay the body is in Navigation, Paisley, you're claiming you're in Weapons, you're the closest to the body" Sapnap said
"Anyone could easily lie about their location, stupid" Paisley said, defensively, causing 'ooos' out of everyone
"How dare you guys try to vote out my wife" I said
"Yeah, exactly!" She replied

While everyone was arguing, Dreams mind was drifting
That voice.. who the hell is that..? He asked himself

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Paisley yelled as she got voted out
"I'm sorry, Pais! I didn't mean for this to happen" I said, dramatically
"Bye, my love" she whispered

I laughed softly as she said that. I decided to go the opposite way of dream so people wouldn't sus us for sticking together. I ran past Sapnap and I immediately snapped his neck for voting out Paisley
"2 kills.. we need two kills"

I ran into storage and saw Dream. We both ran up to cafeteria where William and Sykkuno stood. We killed them and the victory screen popped up
"LETS GOOOOO!" Dream yelled
"WE DID IT!" I shouted right after
"That was.. ugh" Sapnap said
"You're fucking stupid" Paisley said towards Sapnap
"You're friends are just so nice, Sanity" George said, sarcastically
"Oh I know" I replied

We played many more games before we decided to finish
"Thank you for inviting me, I would love to play again sometime" I said
"Oh, of course!" Rae replied
"Bye everyoneeee" I said, excitedly
"Byeee!!!" Everyone shouted back and I left the VC

"Okay, everyone" I clapped my hands together, looking at my camera "I had a lot of fun, but it's time to end! Thank you for all the subs and donos, I appreciate you more than you know. Sleep, drink water, eat, and take your pills. I love you all! Byeee!!" I said, waving obnoxiously at the camera and ended stream

I leaned back in my chair, absolutely drained after four hours. I closed my eyes and my relaxation didn't last long when Will walked in, abruptly
"Hey, loser" he said, leaning on the back of my chair
"Hello to you too, William" I said, annoyed
"I'm gonna start dinner, come down" he said
I shook my head "I'm fucking drained"
"Did you take your anti depressants and anxiety pills?" He asked me

I signed "no" I replied, shortly

He walked out and got me my pills and a drink, and gave it to me
"You can't keep avoiding it, A. It's not healthy. You've had to take these for years now and you continue to avoid it. I love you so fucking much and I'm just doing what's best for you, I promise" He said
"I know, Will. I'm just so tired of taking pills to change my mindset" I replied
He sighed "I know, Aaliyah. I wish you didn't have to, but that asshole Clay did some fucked up shit to you, and this is helping you" he replied

I nodded and stood up "Lily will be home soon" I said, completely avoiding this conversation to escalate

He got the hint, and followed me down. I saw my mom and dad walking in with Lilia. They babysat her today since Paisley, Will, and I were all streaming

My mom hasn't always been the most supportive of my job, or the fact that I had a kid so young, but I really couldn't care less. My dad understands me more, though

"Aaliyah!" My mom said, when she saw me
I sighed "yes, mom"
"Do you see the scratches on this poor child? This is ridiculous, Aaliyah!"
"Mom, she's four. She's gonna fall sometimes" I replied, annoyed. I didn't feel like putting up with her crap right now
"Linda.. leave her alone" my dad spoke up
"No! If she was watching her daughter for once and being responsible, she wouldn't have fallen"
"She-" I started before I was interrupted
"Linda, you need to calm yourself. Aaliyah is an incredible mom, and you need to stop treating her like some criminal because her kid fell!" Paisley said, walking in from the kitchen

My mom looked Paisley up and down and scoffed "Whatever" she said, and walked out
My dad hugged me "She doesn't understand. I'm sorry, I love you"
"I love you too" I replied and he left

Lilia looked up at me, completely oblivious and smiled "hi mommy"
"Hi, sweetheart" I said, lifting her up on my side

I looked for at my phone and saw yet another DM from Dream, and I smiled

Don't fucking smile, you idiot... I hate myself.

Thank you for playing with us today,
it was really fun :)

Yeah, of course! I had a lot of
fun too. I would love to stream
together again!

Yeah! Maybe we could plan
something. I'll talk to you about
it in a bit

Okay, great! I'm about to eat. It's
kinda late where I live, so I'm about
to have dinner

Okay! Have a good night,
Sanity :)

Thank you, have a good night..
or morning?

Dream Pov
I laugh at the last text she sent me. Since we played with a big group, I didn't get to talk to her much or get to know her, maybe if we stream one on one we can get to know each other better

If Dream knew the truth, he would not be wanting to know her better...

Heyyyy!!! I love you :)

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